E i g h t

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Hazel Williams
I went upstairs and threw my bag on the floor. Amen. I threw myself onto my bed, relaxing all of my muscles.

But, of course, I can't relax. Because my luck, on the other hand is always preparing something for me.

Jace waltzed into my room like he owned the place. Well, he did? "Get up. I'm taking you out in 40 minutes, get ready." I nodded so he would leave the room, and he did.

Why was he taking me out? Was this a murder plan? Should I be scared or excited, or maybe both? So many questions, not enough answers.

I groaned as I got out of my bed. Couldn't he find a better timing for this? I unwillingly pulled out some clothes.

I figured a red top and gray cargo pants would do the job.

I figured a red top and gray cargo pants would do the job

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My hair was thrown into a ponytail, this will do. I checked the time, 5 more minutes before we have to go.

I went downstairs to get some water before we leave, but Jace had other plans and grabbed my arm pulling me outside.

He had a tight grip on my wrist. I winced in pain, he immediately let go, hm. "Sorry." I heard him mumble, but I'm not convinced it was him.

I sat in his dark red Ferrari. This man can't get a simple car? What's the point of having these luxury shits anyway, one car crash and you're done.

After a few minutes we got to the mall, and I was still as clueless as ever. "What are we doing here?" I asked him. He looked at me with a look that could pierce through a soul, if looks could kill, you'd be at my funeral.

"We're here to meet up with my friends." he answered in a cold tone. Honestly, it made me wonder if he's sick or is his voice naturally cold. He grabbed my arm and held it hard, like he wasn't gonna let go.

We got to a pizza place and sat down. It was pretty big, it held a nice 80s diner aesthetic and I loved that. Oh how I wished I was a teenager in the 80s, the style, the boys-sorry, men.

"Come, sit here beside me." Jace patted the chair next to him. I was convinced my heart stopped working for a second. I waltzed over and plopped myself onto the chair, pulling my hands in my lap. I then started fidgeting with my fingers in an attempt to calm down. And then, he spoke.

"I just wanted to say, grazie, for today." He looked at me with something genuine in his eyes and rubbed the back of his neck. Now, I wasn't a fool, grazie meant thank you.

"I, uh, no problem?" I didn't know what to say. I saw his gaze slowly divert to my lips, like he wanted nothing more but to entangle his tongue with mine. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to do it, too.

Our moment was interrupted by someone yelling Jace's name. I turned around and saw a few boys and two girls. The girls had faced that were covered in make up, their lips were plump, fake plump. One of the girls had a black sleeveless top, laced. It began right above her plastic tits. And the other one, I wasn't sure if that was a bra or a shirt some porn star producer tried to make, but if she made one mistake; them titties are spilling out.

The boys sat across us and the girls obviously sat beside Jace. A brown haired girl whispered something in Jaces ear. He looked over at her and chuckled, placing his hand on her thigh.

I felt a sting. And I didn't like it, it indicated that I liked Jace more than I'd like to admit. He hit me right where it hurt.

A few minutes passed and I glanced behind me, noticing a familiar blonde figure walking. "Luca! Come here!" I yelled and he ran up to me, embracing me with a warm hug.

"Can my friend sit with us?" I asked Jace politely hoping I didn't interrupt anything with his whore. He looked at Luca, and I saw the jealousy in his eyes. I smirked to myself, maybe I just broke the devil.

"Sure." He mumbled, gazing back at his bitch.  Luca pulled over a chair and sat next to me, starting a conversation about alien theories. We had the same interest. After we both concluded that they live among us, I heard giggles beside me.

I glanced back, seeing that the girl was way too close to my liking. I felt a burn in my eyes, and I hoped that a tear wasn't falling down. But at the same time, rage and fury cruised through my veins, and I wanted revenge. I wanted to give Jace a taste of his own medicine.

I whispered something in Luca's ear. "Grab my thigh, Luca." He grinned, knowing what I was onto. His hand found its way on my thigh, and I let myself produce a small, seductive moan.

That action alone was enough to make Jace's head snap to my direction. His eyes were filled with anger as he pulled the whore off of him, grabbing my hand and pulling me off of the chair. He said a quick 'bye' to his friends and hurriedly led us to the car.

I strapped myself in, and I could feel his burning gaze on me. Maybe this wasn't my brightest idea. "Why'd you do that, hm, Hazel?" His voice was low, dangerously attractive. But I had some aces up my sleeve.

"Do what?" I turned my head to him, looking at his lips. His hand grabbed my chin, pulling me closer. "Why did you let him place his hand on your thigh? And why, did you let out the sound that would make even me get down on my knees?" He growled in my ear, and I felt sensations. The tension was visible.

"You started it first." I looked right into his eyes. "First, you make out with some black haired girl at school, then you put your hand on the thigh of that brown haired slut over there. You really think I'll do nothing in return?" I smirked.

He let go of my chin, making disappointment flood my veins. "You're something else,you know that?" I heard him say. I expected him to scream. But I saw a small smile on his face, and my heart fluttered when he placed a small kiss on the side of my head.

We let ourselves sit in comfortable silence as he drove us back. The minute I stepped out of the car, I heard the lighter of his mother. "There you are! Gabriel and I are celebrating our anniversary, so we're going to France for three weeks!" I nodded, processing that I'm going to be left alone with the man I'm attracted to.

Within a minute, they drove off. And I got into the house and walked up to my room, changing myself into a two piece set pajama.

 And I got into the house and walked up to my room, changing myself into a two piece set pajama

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I jumped on my bed and stuffed my face in my pillow. All I could think about, was Jace.

I was debating wether I should put their first kiss here but I decided not to, at least not yet;)

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