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When Saint woke up, he didn't expect to be in an empty bed.

His heart dropped as he listened, hoping to maybe hear the shower running or smell bacon or something like that, but none of that was going on.

It was dead silent.

Saint sat up, looking around, begging for a sign of Perth, but there was none. He finally got up and walked around the flat, looking for Perth but the man was nowhere to be found.

Saint found his phone and dialed Perth's number, hoping to reach the stripper through a phone call, but there was no success.

He went to his messages, typing up a speedy little message.

Hey, I was wondering why you left? Did you have an appointment or something? I was just wondering; there was no note. -Son

He was about to click out when a few words appeared, but it wasn't a text. Read 8:13 a.m.

Saint waited for the typing bubble or another message but neither came. He tried calling again, but it didn't even ring twice before Saint was sent to voicemail.


Saint angrily pushed Copter onto the bed, attaching their lips together in a needy fashion. He needed to release this built-up stretch and since Perth had gone MIA, Saint had no choice but to resort to his best friend, who was currently undoing his trousers.

"God, get these jeans off so I can fuck you," Copter moaned.

Saint didn't even find it hot, like he would if it was Perth. The sex with Copter was gentle, but not in a caring way. Copter was slow and sensual. Perth liked it rough, but he was passionate and Saint had to admit, he preferred that over Copter any day.

It was still nice to cum and to be in a mindless era for a few minutes, not even thinking about Perth for exactly 213 seconds-Saint managed to count.


Saint nearly fell off of Copter's lap late one night, three days after Perth's disappearance, because Perth was suddenly in his living room.

"Hey," Perth said slowly, eyeing the pair. Saint had just managed to slip beside Copter, looking as casual as possible, happy he'd put on clothes after the sex they'd just had. It was the sixth time since Saint rode Perthe a few days beforehand.

Saint didn't even speak, he stared at the telly. Copter looked over at Perth in surprise before looking back at Saint.

"Why's he here, Son?" Copter asked, glaring at Perth.

"I'm here to see Saint," Perth said briskly.

"I don't want to see you," Saint said coldly, keeping his eyes focused on the television.

"What if I told you that I could could you your job back?"

"The club is closing-" Saint started, but Perth held up a palm.

"Tell your friend to leave so we can talk about this properly," Perth ordered.

"You aren't the boss of me," Saint countered in a shaky voice.

Perth raised his eyebrows, making his way to the couch. "Is that so?"

"Copter, I think you should go," Saint said immediately, not wanting his friend to witness Perth in such a state.

Copter let out a sort of laugh, looking between the two. "Seriously?"

"Please," Saint said quietly, placing his hand on Copter's cheek. "I'll call you tonight, yeah?"

Copter got up from the couch, pulling on his shoes and leaving without another word and the slamming of the door.

"Why was he here?" Perth asked immediately.

"Copter is one of my best friends," Saint said blandly, not sparing Perth a glance.

"Saint, I swear if you're sleeping with him-"

"You're the one that sleeps with your friends. I did it for a test run," Saint snapped.

Perth grabbed Saint's chin roughly, forcing the older man to look at him. "You will not speak to me like that."

"You left me, Perth! In the bed, no note, ignoring my calls-"

"Last time that I checked, Saint Suppapong , we are strictly in a fuck buddy relationship and I am not going to let you tie me down while I've been-" Perth smirks, eyes glistening "Pulling some strings."

"What are you on about?" Saint hissed. Perth let go of Saint's jaw, pulling a thin, crisp envelope out of his black coat, handing it to Saint, who immediately opened it, eyes scanning the page. "Blimey, Perth! How'd you manage that?"

Perth grinned, falling onto Saint's couch. "Well, the night we... The night I stayed, I was... Well, I was thinking right after you went back to sleep... I thought about that old building by Alive, the empty one that's beside the alley you and I first met in front of, you know the one?"

"Yeah," Saint said slowly.

"Well, I got up early and left here... The past few days I've done a few things, a few favors, and got the owner of the building to give it to me, no charge."

"How'd you manage-"

Perth waved him off, continuing his story, "Anyways, I got Scott and Peter to come together and, well, we're now about to open another club. I've gotten a friend to donate the money you have in your hands and soon we'll be open for business."

Saint grinned, practically jumping on Perth for a hug. "Also," Perth added, gripping Saint's hips, "You and I are going to come together to be the faces of the club. I figured that us together is double the sex appeal, what with my face, and your body, and, well, we'll be hell together, Saint."

"Really?" Saint asked, pulling back.

"We already have a connection..." Perth trailed off, moving to kiss Saint lightly on the lips. "Sexually, of course," Perth added, pulling away again and smiling softly as he knotted his fingers in Saint's hair, pulling it and making the smaller lad moan.

"Perth," Saint said suddenly.


"Why were you ignoring me?" Saint looked so innocent and so helpless, widening his eyes.

"I... I wanted to surprise you. I knew if I was around you, I'd spill, but... Now it's okay to tell you, so we can get started. It's good to see you smile again," Perth admitted, watching Saint carefully.

Saint studied the way Perth smiled and the way Perth was acting oddly.

Saint wondering if Perth was starting to fall for him, like he did with Perth.

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