𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕗𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕖 | 01

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*slight nsfw warning*
The first time you call them 'daddy' (this is after season 4, so you and your character are around 18) in real life, you're 21 (so you're legally allowed to drink)

~ Jack ~

You and Jack were sitting in Falafel Phil's enjoying a party held by, obviously, Jerry. Jack had recently cut his hair shorter, framing his face in all the perfect ways. You couldn't help but stare as his Adam's apple bob from a short sip of punch. "What?" he asked, noticing your stare.

"Nothing," you shrugged it off. "Just admiring my beautiful daddy." His eyes widened in surprise, but it didn't take long for it to mellow out into a smirk.

"Why don't you take that pretty mouth of yours to the car. I'll let Jerry know you aren't feeling well," Jack offered.

"But I feel fi-"

"-You aren't feeling well," he insisted before swiftly making his way to Jerry. You watched in amusement for a couple seconds before getting your ass to the car.


~ Milton ~

Milton was studying in his basement as you scrolled through your phone. "Are you done yet?" you asked for, probably, the 50th time that hour.

"No. I need to make sure this project is done by today so I can turn it in for my college application," Milton sighed. You groaned, setting your phone down on your stomach, watching Milton work. After a moment, an idea popped into your head.

"It's too bad. I was really looking forward to spending time with my daddy," you smirked. You heard Milton's pencil snap after the words left your mouth.

"On second thought, my project can wait for tomorrow," Milton decided, approaching you.


~ Jerry ~

Jerry was talking to Jack and Milton, discussing some last minute karate classes Jack was going to be holding later that week. You were watching from beside Jerry, bored out of your mind. You weren't into karate. Dance was your forte. That's how you and Jerry met, so talking about karate really bored you. You groaned loudly earning a couple weird looks from Jack and Milton and a 'I'm almost done' look from Jerry. They continued talking, much to your disappointment. You decided to try something you've been wanting to try for a while, just to see what reaction you'd get out of Jerry.

"You promised we were going to have a movie night. If you keep talking, there won't be anymore night for movie night," you whined.

"Y/N, I'm almost done. Please be patient," Jerry spoke as if talking to a toddler.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to spend time with daddy," you mumbled causing Jerry's jaw to drop and Milton and Jack's soft smiles turn into teasing smirks.

"Uh ahem well uh guys, I gotta-"

"-we know," Jack and Milton spoke in unison, cutting off Jerry.


~ Leo ~

You and Leo were getting ready for a party held by, both of your's dear friend, Olivia Holt. You had went into the walk-in closet in the master bedroom of you and Leo's shared house. You put on a lace black mini dress, accenting your gorgeous curves. To finish the look you slipped on Leo's black leather jacket he used when he'd ride his motorcycle. You walked out of the walk-in closet to see Leo fixing the cuff of his suit. It was one of those parties at a fancy destination with lots of paparazzi, so you had to look your best. He turned around, looking you up and down, smirking.

"Someone's bold," he smirked.

"Just for you, daddy," you replied making his smirk grow.

"I'm calling Liv. We're gonna be a little late to her party," Leo promised.


~ Dylan ~

You and Dylan were in his living room having a movie day. You shifted next to him, kneeing him, by accident, in the ribcage. "Ouch," he winced.

"Sorry daddy," you let slip. Both of your eyes widened. You both were too awkward to do anything about it, so you just continued watching the movie, sending suggestive looks to each other.


~ Mateo ~

You and Mateo were at a bar, doing a little role play. Mateo approached you with a sly smirk across his face. "Hey dollface. What's a pretty girl like you doing at a bar all alone?" he asked making you giggle.

"My daddy's somewhere around here," you spoke, downing your vodka. Mateo's eyebrows shot up, but his smirk grew quickly.

"And who's this 'daddy' of yours?" he asked.

"Oh, you know, Leo Howard's pretty hot," you teased.

"What was that bun?" he asked, referring to a common nickname he used when you two were alone.

"Nothing daddy," you quickly responded.

"That's what I thought. How about another drink?" he offered, sliding another shot of vodka, clinking your empty glass. Let's just say you were in for a long night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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