Weapons? Check. Dinosaurs? Check. Superheroes??

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A young man in his early twenties sits inside of a machine of some sort. He had short brown hair, blue eyes, and a tired look on his face. He was wearing armor of some sort with a helmet right next to him. His face was dirty and been stained with fresh tears. "I guess...it's been a while since I've done this with everything going on lately." He takes a deep breath and wipes the tears from his face. "If anyone sees this and I am dead, I have a bunch of logs about my adventures, but I guess for this I'll just do a recap for those who don't have enough time to go through every log. My name is Orion, and this is my story so far."

Orions Log #2022:

I have been through a lot. First I awoke on an island that was filled with dinosaurs. As if that wasn't enough I found I had an implant of some kind in my arm and had to fight not only the dinosaurs, but also a giant ape like King Kong, a gigantic spider that gave me nightmares for weeks, a motherfucking DRAGON, and a machine thing above the island called the Overseer. Around this point I had met other Survivors all from varying backgrounds, even a few assassins, mercenaries, and soldiers that helped train me to fight both dinosaurs and humans. During my adventures I had learned a lot about survival and about what happened through notes I collected from some of the previous Island inhabitants. Namely Helena Walker, Sir Edmund Rockwell, Li Mei Yin, and Gaius Nerva. I had a lot to think about as I survived. Thankfully Helena was a biologist that left dossiers on every creature, so that made it not only easier for me to tame each creature, but also the uses and resources that they had for me. But as I had made it to the Overseer, I had a surprising and horrifying discovery that the Ark was in space. But when I defeated the Overseer, something happened to me that terrified me even more and made me regret slaying the machine.

Apparently I went through this process called Ascending, where a Survivor would go from one Ark to the next. And I ended up in a desert wasteland aptly named Scorched Earth. God that was a shock and a half. Not only was I completely unprepared for the desert heat, which is something I especially hated, but I also wasn't prepared for the new creatures in store for me. Such as the Rock Elemental, the Wyverns, which I managed to steal a couple eggs from and raised them from hatching, to giant mantises that terrified me even more when I saw them using swords as they lunged at me. The worst part of that experience was the other Survivors. Unlike the ones on the Island, they were cruel, thieving, murderous scum that had nearly killed me multiple times. One time even going so far as to drag me  to what they call the Death Worms. And just like the Broodmother, I killed it and it gave me nightmares. But I also learned more about Edmund Rockwell and Helena Walker along with two others named Raia and Dahkeya, the latter sadly dying a long time ago and the former being a very old woman. 

It was also at this time that I figured out that every Survivor on the Arks, was actually a genetic clone of somebody who was alive in the past, but we weren't normal human clones, no. We had been given the ability to actually evolve at a moments notice. We could get stronger, faster, could carry more, and so much more. Nerva being from Ancient Rome, Raia from Ancient Egypt, Mei Yin from Ancient China, Helena and I from the 21st century. Yeah, I had a MAJOR existential crisis when I figured it out. But after a bit of calming from my pets and support of some of the kinder locals, I got through and found Raia. She thankfully helped me defeat the Manticore that acted as the Guardian of the Desert and I promptly left the unforgiving wasteland, believing the next place would be nicer.

I was dead wrong.

Instead I was taken to a broken Ark called Aberration. And that place was the stuff of nightmares as it was even more difficult to survive with radiation, Element, monstrosities, and even Rockwell himself, who had been corrupted by Element and turned into a god damn monster. I honestly thought I was in Hell at first. But like with the Island and Scorched Earth, I survived. I also found Nerva's body. He may have been a conqueror, but I understood what he was trying to do and I felt bad for the way he died. Dying from the Sun burning you alive? Nobody should go out like that. So I took him back underground and buried him. But luckily for me, I found out about people from the future, Mei Yin, and Helena and they had found a way to go back to Earth. I gotta admit I was excited, no, ecstatic. But Rockwell blocked the way out, so I had to deal with him. Unfortunately for me and everyone else in the future, I didn't kill him. No I only wounded him. But I made my way back to Earth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2021 ⏰

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