Chapter 2

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I slowly open my eyes, seeing the same red blob from before, still being scared of the unknown men " Ww-who are y-yo-ou you?" the men quickly moved away from me he probably sense I was not comfortable with him being this close to me "Hello y/n I am Lord Diavolo the future ruler of Devildom" with a blank stare i looked at him with my squinting eyes to see his facial features "Where am i?" "At this present, we are in my room! After you had your panic attack you fell asleep you must have been tired!" he says with a soothing tone

"ummm... yes i was tired i had a long day today and adding with this its not gonna be good for my mental health" it seemed Diavolo had smiled i wasn't really sure due to lack of sight "Well i have prepared you a warm bath if you are willing to relax. After that I'll explain everything to you over tea and sweets," the man says to me. I was quite unsure to take the offer but man i needed to relax or i'll have another panic attack "s-sure i'll take up on your offer" "perfect i'll show you the bathroom then" he then stood up i did the same and he led me to the bathroom.

While walking in the bathroom it was huge, probably bigger than my room, the bathroom was black and gold themed. As I looked around I saw the tub was already ready for me!

Diavolo came behind me and said "I already prepared the bath and the clothes are on the counter. We don't have any girl clothed so i gave you mine if it that's alright with you" i slightly blushed over him doing this nice gesture "umm thank you... you did not need to do all this" "oh it was no problem and am sorry that we scared you" "well yeah it was quite scary... it still is " the last part i whispered hoping he did not hear it "I'll wait for you in the bedroom then... take your time" "o-okay... thank you again" Diavolo left the bathroom and closed the door behind him.

I looked myself in the mirror "Ughh even though i can't see i bet i look like i mess" I looked down at myself and realized i was only wearing my pajamas which i usually like to wear short and a tank top "Great just great it was not good enough for me to be somewhere i do not know but i HAD to be basically naked in front of 8 unknown men" I looked around the bathroom trying to find a hairbrush, after a good minute of looking i find one. I quickly undressed "where am i even supposed to put my clothes" I started to twirl to check out the room of course my sight was not the best so it took me a while to find the hamper.

I went inside the hot bath "Aahhh oh yeah that hits the spot" I said out loud then as I sat there i started to think what was happening and why was this red man being so nice to me. "I just hope he will explain everything to me" I said softly as I put my head underwater.

Diavolo POV:

I was sitting on my desk doing some paperwork waiting for y/n to finish her bath. "It's been 40 minutes i should probably check on her" i stood up and went up to the bathroom door and softly knocked on it. As i did that i heard some splashing water sounds "y-Y-Yes?" I heard from the other side of the door "Is everything okay y/n you've been there for a while now" i said with a worried tone in my voice "o-oh y-yes am good I just spaced out... I a-am s-sor-ry i'll leave right now" she answered me back hearing some more splashing water. With that, she opened the door and I saw her wearing my clothes, her hair still wet. It was ten times bigger on her. She looked adorable and a slight blush appeared on my cheek.

I moved my gaze elsewhere so as not to stare too much at her. I walked to my desk "Please y/n sit down" I pulled a chair for her to sit "t-thank you" she said as she sat on the chair.

" So you may have a lot of questions and i'll try my best to answer them all'' she nodded as i said that.

"So to start off I am Diavolo the future king of Devildom but you humans call it hell, my plan is to strengthen the relationship to all three realms through the exchange program, as I believe that the three worlds should live harmoniously with each other." "S-so you are saying I'm in hell right now, and you are a demon who is becoming a king..." "Yes but we call it Devildom and yes i am a demon"

"okay just give me a second to process this'' she lifted her arm and slapped herself across the face. I stood up and went to her side "y/n!" i said "ouch! so this is not a dream... Just great! i am stuck in hell without my glasses, with random men oh no NOT ONLY MEN DEMONS MEN" she brought her knee to her chest and laid her head down "Now they will torture me and eat ME ALIVE!" Diavolo squatted in front of her to be on her eye level "y/n no one is going to torture you or eat you alive" i said to her "then why am i here" she whispers "you are an exchange student you will be studying here with us to strengthen our realms" "okay but why me! All of the humans in the world why me..." her voice cracked as she finished her sentence "It was random but trust me no one will try to hurt you if someone ever dares to hurt you I will make them face consequence" She lifts her head and faces me " *sniff* really? You would do that for a human? *sniff*" I rest my arm on her shoulder "I would do that for you y/n you are one of my guests and everyone better be kind to you!" she chuckles at my remarks "hehe thank you Diavolo... So how long am I staying here?" She said as she wiped her eyes.

"You'll be staying in Devildom for one year" "A YEAR! Well at this point I should not be surprised" she said as she pouted, crossing her arms together. I chuckle to myself at the sign I have witnessed "You'll be staying with Lucifer and his 6 brothers, one of them will be your guardian" her eyes widened as I said where she will be staying "Will you be living there too Diavolo?" I shake my head and her eyes seem saddened by my answer "Ummm Diavolo do I have to be with the 7 men urh demons?" I tiled my head to her question "You don't have to worry they will protect you with their life they are the strongest of demons I know after me of course!" he said with a cheery smile "it's not that i just don't feel safe around men i don't know... is it possible to stay with you?" as she said that she hugged her knee to be closer to her chest. Her state made me slightly blush "So you trust me?" she blushed and turned her head away from me " I just know you better and plus you seem nice you did all this for me when you didn't have to..." my eyes winded i stood up and put reach a hand to y/n "Okay then you'll be staying with me then!" as she grabbed my arm she smiled for the first time since she came "Thank you Diavolo"






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