"Fixing the Splits and Movie night with Thadd" 𝟣

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Poppy gets out of her car. Carrying the Splits and Thadd's body. 

Poppy sighs. She walks into her house and lays Thadd's body on her bed. She kisses it. "I love you Baby." She goes back to get the splits and brings them to a empty room. "I've gotta work on you guys now, you idiots." Poppy says. She's puts Fleegle on a wall and lays the other splits somewhere. "Heh, don't worry I got some tools from Karl's Shed." She Laughs.

-After Fixing all of the Splits-

Poppy Sighs. "God, who knew I could do that!?" She laughs. Poppy sets her owl mask down on a table and goes back to her room to change. "So much blood on my dress.." she says sadly. She picks out an outfit from her closet. "What about this Thadd?! :D" She says. "Who am I kidding, I'm talking to a corpse.." she adds. She puts on something comfortable and goes to the kitchen for a snack. She turns on a YouTube video of her and Thadd on the Tv. She starts crying. Fleegle walks out of the room. "Um.." Fleegle says. "Are you okay..?" Poppy notices Fleegle. "Yeah.. I'm okay.. I guess.." Poppy says

Fleegle goes up to her and hugs her. "Are you sure..?" Fleegle says. "Y- yeah.." Poppy answers. 

Poppy pauses the video to go check on Thadd. 

She goes to her to room. She sees Thadd.. but he's kind of.. Alive.. 

"Thadd!?" Poppy screams. "Hmm?" Thadd replied. Thadd chuckles. "I missed you Baby girl. I missed us!" Thadd says while he comes up to her.

"Thadd I.. I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" Poppy says while hugging him" "I thought you were gone.." she adds. "No, well kind of. I'm dead but still here. I'm here for you baby girl." Thadd replys.

They hug and kiss for a good 2 minutes.

"I- I killed someone for you.. Thadd.." Poppy says. "I know, I'm not happy about it but not mad about it. I didn't wanna bring it up. It was sweet though." He replied. 

They leave their room and go to the couch. Thadd turns off the lights and the cuddle in a blanket while watching a movie. 

-37 minutes in-

Drooper runs into the room acting like an idiot

"Um.. drooper..?"😅 Poppy says. "Yes?"😎 Drooper replies. "What is happening.." 🤨 Thadd says. "I tried to kiss Fleegle and he ran away." Drooper says. "Oh.. 😮okay.. um." Poppy stutters. "You know what? Drooper go back into the room. Me and Thadd are trying to watch a movie" poppy adds. "FINE!" >:( Drooper replied.  

-Thadd and Poppy continue to watch the movie-

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