~Why Me~

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I wrapped the towel around my waist as I put away all my belongings in my locker. Leaving me in just a towel, I felt somewhat uneasy because my lock on my locker was giving me troubles as I went to close it. Once I finally fixed it I turned to the showers.

As I approached the showers I saw James and Joshua standing by the entrance. They both seemed deep in an argument. I felt curious as to why the hell James was still here. Even more curious on why Joshua wasn't in gym class if he was in fact at school. PE was one of his favorite classes, he always bragged how he was the most athletic. I couldn't resist my urges as I started to eavesdrop, I didn't even realize I was slowly approaching them as I listened.

"James what the hell! You had one fucking job. I can't believe Emily let's you sit by us. I know you guys are related but still." Joshua spoke as I could see his face turn red in anger and spite. His fists were clenched as he started shaking his head in what seemed to be disapproval.

I was shocked at what I had just heard. I've seen Emily a few times around campus. She was a beautiful girl with brown flowing hair. I had a crush on her in third grade, me and Niall fought over her actually. She always preferred Niall though. How the hell was Emily related to James. I thought he sat by them at lunch because they felt sorry, even then he still sat a good 6 feet away. My thoughts were soon interrupted as James spoke.

"I'm sorry, I thought you wanted me to say I tried to finger my dog." James spoke as his left pinky twitched more rapidly after he finished speaking.

"You are so fucking dumb, don't you realize Louis is literally a loser! No one likes him, you were suppose to scare him away from our group. Not fucking scare Harry. You said it to the wrong person! Now the most popular kid thinks we are a fucking joke!" Joshua screamed.

"Emily let him sit by us because she thought I was friends with him and he looked like a school shooter, it's not my fault. I didn't even talk to him, he literally looks gay. I don't wanna get the disease." James said as he tried hushing and reassuring Joshua.

Joshua still looked livid as James probably did the biggest mistake of his life as he uttered his next sentence.

"Don't worry though Harry thinks we are cool now for sure. I did a special dance for him and smiled so big that I couldn't see out of my eyes, he thought I was so badass that he lied to the coach and said that I graffiti the walls just to get me out of class." James said with a big grin.

Joshua now started to shake, his whole body trembled in anger. He pushed James to the wall gripping his throat as he menacingly hissed.

"What. Did. You. Fucking. Do." Joshua blurted out.

Just then I processed everything I had just heard. I felt anger and sympathy wash over my face as I realized how cruel they were planning on treating Louis. Yea sure, Louis was new and usually the new kids were losers for a few weeks before they found their place, but I couldn't help but feel as if they attacked me personally. Louis was by far one of the most attractive people at this school, dare I say the most attractive. I would of thought they would have treated him with more respect, calling him a school shooter just because he looked more feminine than other guys made me feel upset. I was also hurt that James, the biggest loser, didn't even want to be seen with Louis. He acted as if he was out of Louis's league. Sure Louis looked feminine, but that doesn't mean he was gay. Gayness wasn't some disease, if it was though I'm sure James didn't half to worry about it, it's not like people were dying to touch him. Even the gays had standards.

I decided to speak up and confront them. I did not want them to just fucking get away with it. I honestly don't even know why I felt so triggered. I just knew Louis didn't deserve any of this.

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