~Shooters' Pov~

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   I was so sick and tired of the madness that consumed my head. It was a never ending ticking sound that could speak to me in ways others couldn't. People treated me poorly, my family didn't love me and I had nothing. That's why I decided to get my revenge. I was a student after all, so I knew who I needed to get.

   Many people wouldn't understand what it's like to have nothing left, nothing to live for. So as I entered the school nothing but hate ran through my cold thick blood. I quickly strapped on my AK-47 and a ski mask as I entered the schools office.

   When the staff saw me they pulled a lever, leaving an eerie sound to echo. That didn't stop me though because I continued to shoot every single one of them. I could hear some pleading and yelling nonsense but I blocked out all other noises that didn't belong to my gun.

   I than ran out and down the halls, I could see some of my old friends, classmates, and teachers rush down the halls with me. Some people noticed me and screamed while others who were oblivious ran in circles. I quickly aimed my gun as I saw Ms. Carlisle try and waddle away. I shot her in the head twice, brain matter spilled out as her screams quieted down. The loud popping noise echoed down the hall and everyone turned my way. Now everyone had seen me, they swam like fishes in a current trying aimlessly to get away. Some made it into classrooms while I shot off the stragglers.

The same eerie alarm still echoed along with the screams. I had three people on my hit list, once I got them, then I could leave. Everyone else who got harmed would just mean they got in my way. After the halls cleared I ran down to Mrs. Jensens class, I knew Camilla Cabello was in there and she was one of the few on my list. She had got out my love, Shawn, in our dodgeball game. She also had a crush on him, I had to destroy her.

Once I was finally in front of Mrs. Jensens class, I kicked the door down. It exposed a large group of students along with Mrs. Jensens, it also exposed their horrified faces. I scanned for Camilla, I spotted her almost instantly. I aimed my gun and shot at her 3 times, I could hear everyone scream as the blood splattered on some nearby students.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2022 ⏰

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