Chapter 15: Of Ministries and Idiots

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Salazar eyed the person in front of him critically. It was a young man about six feet and two inches high with dark skin and a bald head wearing a light blue robe and a hat in the same colour.

"On what base and whose order?" Salazar demanded to know.

"You are accused of impersonating someone else, abduction of Harry James Potter, also known as the Boy-who-lived, and the practice of the Dark Arts. Now please hand over your wand and follow me."

"Interesting, but I have a few more questions. First, who am I accused of impersonating? Second, have you any proof for your accusations and third, who ordered this?"

Salazar's patience was running out and fast. It has been a long day. He was tired and definitely not in the mood to play any games with this idiot who made the same mistakes as the Minister at the trial.

"It is Jack Hardinger you are impersonating. We got the tip that you are, in fact, not him," the man was obviously dancing around the other two questions.

"Ah, is he?" came a female voice from behind the four Aurors.

Salazar's eyes went wide when he heard it. He knew very well who this was since he worked for the said person for over a decade before returning to England, but he was at a loss about what said person was doing here.

His suspicion was confirmed when the dark-skinned Auror turned around and cleared the view upon a 4'9" tall, middle-aged woman with an amused twinkling in the eyes.

"And who are you?" the Auror growled at the woman.

Salazar chuckled while he thought: 'Your worst nightmare if you're not very careful.'

"Oh me? I'm no one important, just the Head of the American Ministry of Magic Henrietta Coulson, the American pendant to your Minister," she replied with a waving of her hand.

The Auror gulped. He heard about the American Minister and what he heard was terrifying. This woman was a legend. That was when Bones appeared to see what this crowd that formed around them meant.

"Auror Shacklebolt, what is this about?" she demanded to know.

"We have the order to arrest Mr Finnigan and Mr Hardinger," the addressed Auror answered, more than a bit intimidated by the two women.

"Interesting, especially since I have no knowledge of such an order. So who ordered this?" Bones was pretty upset that someone thought he could order Aurors around without informing her.

"Minister Bagnold, ma'am," came the sheepish reply.

"Ah, the soon to be Ex-Minister. She has no right to give you orders, and she knows it as well as you should. As much as I would like to leave you in the mercy of Mr Hardinger, who would tear you apart without even blinking if I interpret the glare he gives you the right way. Still, I can't afford to lose four of my most promising Aurors at the moment. The Department is understaffed since the war, and I need every man and woman, so do yourself and me a favour and rethink your loyalty," she growled.

It seemed that the man wanted to say something but was confronted with the daring glares of Bones, Salazar and Henrietta Coulson. He quickly changed his mind and waved his co-workers to leave. Bones looked after them shaking her head before turning around and looking at the small woman.

"Henrietta Coulson, how long since we last met? How's the ICW?" she greeted her with a smile.

"Too long, my dear, too long. I see you have a firm hand on your staff." Bones growled upon that.

"Ladies, I have to thank you for solving this situation, but please apologise me. I have to take care of a horde of journalists before they think about printing lies. But, James, take care of Sirius, please," Salazar interrupted them with a slight bow.

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