Chapter 2

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It is a new day for everyone. No, for the survivors. Each day people die. Each day the population grows less and less. Each day i'm stuck here mourning about my death. How the hell did it happen? It is the morning. Many people wake to make the day better. They hunt for food, and seek shelter. They find water, and pray that everything will be okay. What they don't know is that thier due day is coming closer, and closer, till nobody's left. It just what Li said. "Everyone will die."

If you ask me, I'd say that's pretty harsh of him to say it bluntly. But it is the truth, and the truth cannot be a lie. But, where am I going to go? Once this place/ land goes away, won't I be a drift out on sea? I would've left if I could, but something keeps holding me back. And I hate that.

Today was normal as usual, I walked around, observed the people's sufferings, regretted it later on, went to sleep, and, oh hey, it's that kid again! Li Xion yes? Yes. "Good day, Li." I said to him when we were within voice range. He didn't respond, but only stared off into the distance. "Uh, hellooooo?" Still nothing. I punched him in the arm and he blinked. "Ow." Was all I got. "Are you awake now?" Li looked down a little, then at me. "Sorry. I was in deep thought."

"About what?" I titled my head to the side a little. I don't know why, but I just do. "I don't know how to leave this place. I'm stuck." "Me too. Something keeps pulling me back whenever I try to leave, so unless I find out what it is, were stuck here." "And there is no phone service, so I can't call anyone."
".....Maybe I could help find what's keeping you here, and in return, you take me with you out of this place. Too bad for the people though."

After some thought, I took up the idea. "Okay. I think i'm able to do that. It's a deal then." We shook hands and immediately fliched back. "What was that for?" He asked. I rubbed my sore hand, which felt like fire. " I don't know! Your the one who burned my hand!" "Well your the one who froze my hand. Seriously, it's cold." "Maybe there's a reaction between us that triggers whenever we touch. Besides that first time when we bumbed into each other, it might only take affect in our hands."

"Yes, yes that could be it. We just, can't touch." Agreeing on that, we went about our day and parted ways. (Ooh that rymes!)

Maaan this one was short. It's been like this for the past 5 days and I didn't know what else to put since I have, onve again, that cursed writer's block. Boo. So you won't be seeing much updates, but with spring break next week, I think I might at least SOMEthing to write right?

Edit: Spring break is on! From it's Thursday......

Past Time (A HongIce fanfic) (Sequel to~ Is this For Real? A DenNor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now