Chapter 3

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If only I knew what this meant... I flipped the stone over in my hand trying to figure out the message behind it.


Li's P.O.V

Emil found a cave. The Skaftafell national park cave. For some reason, something, like a force was dragging him there. I had to chase after him and his reaction of being pulled was actually funny and cute at the same time. And of course, I showed no expression of it as always. There's a reason for why I don't, but now is not the time to explain.

We entered the cave's beautiful blue marble ice walls and went deeper until we came to a halt. The force stopped pulling Emil and we faced a wall with a small carving on it. It was an arrow, pointing downwards to a stone of dazzling deep aqua.
"Why this?" Emil asked as he picked up the stone. It too, had markings on it.
"What does it mean?" I asked.
"It's Icelandic. Hvað halda aftur er á bak við minningar úr fortíðinni . Til að brjóta þetta afl , verður þú að skila þeim aftur . Með smá hjálp , þú vilja vera frjáls . En á þeim tíma , allir verða að fara. Þegar þeir eru aftur sérðu svart. That's what it says. What is holding back behind the memories of the past . To break this power , you will be returning . With a little help , you will be free . But at the time , everyone must go . When they are back you will see black . ........I don't get it."

I thought about what it said. Holding back the memories of the past, return to break power , you will see black when they are back. Confusing as it is, but I think I know the first half of what's it's trying to say. "Do you know anything about your past?" I turned and asked to him. Emil shook his head. "I have no memories. In fact, I don't even remember how I got to this doomed to death landmass. " I see. So, that makes sense. "I think I know what has got you stuck here, and how to break it."

"Really?" He looked at me in disbelief. "That fast?"
I nodded. "Indeed. If you have no memories of your past, that might be the reason on why you can't leave. They are holding you back as a ghost. I have to help you get them back."

"But why? Why does it have to hold ME back? Why don't I go to wherever I belong and leave this forsaken land!"

"Maybe your like, special. " Or this is what happens to all ghosts, we just can't really see them. Except for me. I can see them clearly. That explains the looks on the other people's faces whenever I talk to one.

"Tsk. I'm not special." He put the stone in his brown pocket and was about to head out until he heard a voice.

"WAIT YOUR SAGGY PANTS BOY!" From higher up, a puffin came fluttering down to us. "Your not leaving me behind again!" He perched himself on Emil's head. "Now, where were you when I was calling your name the other day?"
"I'm sorry but last time I checked, puffins don't talk."
"Of course they don't, but I do! Do you remember me kid?"
"You always call me Mr.Puffin and- what do you mean you don't know?!"
"I don't remember you or my past."
"Well now you do! I'm your puffin, Mr. Puffin. Now let's go!"
Emil shrugged and headed out the cave, me following behind.

"What's the plan, cause I don't have time to sit around." The Puffin asked.
"We are going to get my memories back." He said with a cold, yet determined look in his eyes.

The question is, how?


Yeah, yeah, I know I haven't updated in about a MONTH, but I finally got around to getting ideas and updating. It's nighttime now so I'll leave off with this. Oh and the Skaftafell national park cave, is a real cave in Iceland. The blue ice looks so beautiful. And yay! Mr.Puffin is here! Great.....

Past Time (A HongIce fanfic) (Sequel to~ Is this For Real? A DenNor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now