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"So, the first thing I remember when I was born, was Family." Li said.
"Family? What's that?" Emil questioned. What IS family? A feeling? A thing? Something to have or give away?
"Family," Li started. "Is a group of individuals, who all love each other no matter how weird, strange, or crazy they may be.  A family sticks together. They help one another grow, and to avoid past mistakes. A family is more than friends. They are a group of people, or animals, that care for one another deeply, although not all the time show it." Family? Does everyone have a family? Where are they found?

"Do I, have a family?"
"Everyone does. They just need to find it."
"Where are they?"
"......I don't know."
"Then how am I supposed to find my family if I don't even know where they are?"
"Their in a place called Home. " Home? Now what is that?
"Yes. Home is where the heart is. The heart of your family."
Home.....Family....Heart....I don't understand!
Confused, Emil asked "Have we met before?"
"If we did, I would've known you."
"And you would've known where my family is! "
"Do you remember where your from?"
"Here. I heard this is Iceland."
"Mhm. I believe I heard someone say, back at my place, about 5 guys somewhere in the Nordic part of the world. 1 died, and 2 were missing, but belived to be dead. The remaining 2 stayed together, afraid to loose each other. "
"So, I think your the dead one. The one from Iceland."
"What? So I have-"

"Come on Emil, we have to go." "But I want to stay a bit longer!" "I'm sorry little brother, but we can't. So let's go. Now." "Okay big brother...."

"A brother?"
Li nodded. "The littlest one, or should I say you, has a Norwegian brother Lukas I believe, and others they say are family Mathias the Danish one, Tino the Finnish one, and Berwald the Swedish one." Such diversity!
"U-uh........ah!" Emil held his head because of a headache he recivee by remembering too hard about something he could not forget.
"You alright kid?" Mr. Puffin asked.

"Why are you bothering me?"
"Because i'm bored man!"
"Mathias, leave."
"Your annoying and i'm busy."
"Busy chewing that licorice I see. " He smirked. "Keep sucking on it."
"Mathias!" I walked up to leave the kitchen and headed to my room.
"Wait, where are you going! It was only a- ohh you thought I meant that kind of sucking? Hahaha no!"
Finally, my room and away from that gross Dane. Wait, why is it locked? Great, now I can't get in. Ughhhhh time to get Lukas. I bet he can open it with that silver cross barrette he always wear in his head like a girl. Heh.
"Hey, Lukas? Can you unlock my door?"
"You locked yourself out again? Not a surprise."
"Hey I didn't lock it! "
"Whatever you say little brother. That reminds me........."
Please don't make me say it. Please don't make me say it.
"Say it."
"I don't want to."
"Say it."
"Don't you want me to unlock the door?"
"Your so mean. I'll just ask Tino. " It's not like your barrette was going to fit anyways.
I left to find Tino outside sitting in a chair.
"Can you unlock my door?"
He turned around. "Sure! I'll need a bobby pin though. Uh, why are you locked out if I may ask?"
"I didn't lock myself out! " I turned around and ran into Berwald's chest. "Sorry." He said and stepped aside.
.........I'm not even going to ask. My family is, so weird.

"You alright now? You kinda spaced out into the distance and worried my feathers off. Of course you do that constantly when I cant find you and such....." Mr. Puffin began to mumble.
"Y-yeah. Just a memory"
"Great. 1 down, more to go."
"Can we do it later? My head hurts like hell and I don't want it to happen again for now."
"Okay." Li said and began his walk home.

Past Time (A HongIce fanfic) (Sequel to~ Is this For Real? A DenNor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now