I want you to try

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I don't wanna talk about this again. 😤

Well, of course, you don't wanna talk about it, you don't wanna talk about anything. 😡 The only thing you do is just nothing.

I wouldn't call it nothing, I have to bear your stupidity. 😤

I was once a smart girl ...

Was? What happened? 😬

I went along with a complete moron. One mistake and I'm paying for it the rest of my life. 😭

I'm sorry Miss Prom Queen, I wasn't aware I'm standing in your way. 🥴

Fuck you! I was popular in school, you jerk just didn't notice. You and your "friend" were only interested in catching balls and taking showers together. 😕

All of them warned me: "That girl is nuts! She isn't your style!" 😐

Oh, tell me whose's style am I, come on tell me!

I think I redeemed all my good resolution for a lifetime in making you the prom queen. I'm a fucking saint, who donated a fortune to charity and that's how I've been treated and repaid. 😭

You prick! The human body needs to develop. You superficial inhumane pig! 😡

Well, it had to be love, since you didn't have an ass nor boobs. 😬

Why don't you just fuck yourself! Why don't you get yourself a whore then! Then you can suck on silicon boobs. I am a woman with class, you pig.

Some days I wonder, what would have happened if I would have taken Sandra Kellerman to the prom ...

I fucked with John! 😈

What? 😮

I fucked with John, across the street! He came over, wanted to ask me how I was doing? And I said to him I haven't had a real man for a while! And we fucked with each other! And it was really good. Some men know how to use their dicks. 🥳

Fuck you! What John?! I don't know anyone called John! Are you daydreaming?! 🥴🤧

Believe what you want, but he rocked my world in the bedroom! 🤠🥴 He wore your clothes while he took me from behind! 😘

I knew you were a hooker! Then you must love me or something since I haven't paid anything for your services all this time. 😎

You are the loser, who pays the rent and buys new bedsheets every month. Thank you, darling. 😘

Sweetheart, I can tell you why I know you are lying! 🤥🤪 Because if you would be a professional, then you would know how to give good blowjobs and how to ride a cook, but sex with you is like watching a boring movie, you don't hit the meat, but the sleep!

Look at you! You fat lazy prick, you can't count yourself lucky that a woman like me hangs out with you! You are a total loser, those times in High School are over, you are nothing else than failure. 😈

No! The only failure I made in my life was to live together with a cold heartless bitch, who thinks she deserves to be treated like a queen.

I once thought you were a man with ambitions and life plans, but the only thing you were good at was catching a stupid ball.

I could have been successful in my life, were it not for an annoying hag, who keeps dragging me down. You should offer your customers BDSM or something since you know how to make people miserable. 🤡

No, Darling, I only fuck with men who don't start sweating like a filthy animal after one minute! 😬

Next time I'll hold a mirror to your face, then you'll know what I'm looking at while having sex. 🥺🥶

You asshole! Have you ever thought about anyone else than you? What you want is one whole to put your dick inside and nothing else! Have you ever thought that I am a human being who has feelings and depth, have you ever thought about the fact that I want more than rub your filthy dick. 😡

No, my love, I haven't thought about it, does this mean we should spice up our sex life? 🤔 Like role plays, then you play a stupid need bitch with acne and I'm the good samaritan, who made a woman out of you. I think this one would get me going. 🤪🤠

Or you could stay the lazy, unimaginative slug you are and I will get my things together and just leave this shithole. Then you watch me giving blowjobs to men who accomplished something in their lives. 😬

You fucking cunt. It's not that I'm not trying! 😰

When did you ever try to change your life? You sit all day long in front of the TV, while other people work on their dreams. Did you ever do anything meaningful in your life?

Fuck you, you mean person! You don't have the slightest idea how it is walking in my shoes. What do you know? You had everything in your life! 😤

It was not what I had, but my attitude.

Your attitude? What's that, being annoying?!

Taking my fate into my own hands!

I had plans and I wanted to do something meaningful in my life ...

A good man has always a plan B.

Fuck you! You don't know what you are talking about, football was my life. I had set my dreams and hopes on it. It takes time to change one's life so radically! But you don't get that! 😐

This was almost ten years ago! Ten years and you still don't know what you want in life?! 🤨

Well, I can tell you what I don't want! A stupid cunt, who keeps bringing everyone around her down. My friends stopped coming over since it's unbearable to be around you!

Fuck you! Your people can deal with someone who tells the truth, no matter what! 🤕

No, my evil queen, you are not telling the truth, you are just mean! You didn't say something nice to my friends once! Not once, the only thing you do is to annoy people by telling them what they should do. 🥴🤧

I care about people! 😤

You can't accept people's faults. You wanna change and mold everyone around! 💀

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