I've packed my things. 😐RAY
Guess that's a momentary goodbye, then. 😉JACKY
No, I'm gone for good. 😐RAY
You mean without saying goodbye! 😯JACKY
I'm saying goodbye now! 😕RAY
I mean goodbye, goodbye. 🥴JACKY
We are not making out a last time, you creep! 😤RAY
If you don't love me, you can fuck with me and just walk away. 🤪JACKY
I don't love you and I don't have to fuck you to prove myself? 🤐RAY
You are scared that you can't leave in the end! 😋JACKY
My life can only get better. 😉RAY
Than goodbye! If you find a man who remotely looks like me, but is not as good-looking and smart as me and if you then marry this guy, don't invite me to your wedding! 😟JACKY
I don't wanna hear anything from you ever again. 😐RAY
Good, since I cannot attend fake weddings where the bride still has feelings for me, I've been to a wedding like that last week. It became embarrassing. 🥺JACKY
No woman will have ever feelings for you once she left you. 😈RAY
I guess women want a man who can be easily trained like a dog and who doesn't stray too far away from their masters. I am not that type, you know! 😅JACKY
No, you are a pathetic loser who wants people to admire him. 😉RAY
True! Football didn't work out, maybe I should try male stripper. 😁JACKY
You are fat and ugly, I don't think you will earn enough to get off the welfare checks. 🙃RAY
I'm something for women with a fine taste. 😉JACKY
Yeah, the desperate ones! 🙄RAY
Guess, you found comfort around me after all. 😘JACKY
And now I'm leaving! 😘RAY
When you come back and you will make sure to prepare an apology since it will cost you dire. I think I'll delve into BDSM in the meantime. I will punish you! 😈JACKY
You can go and fuck yourself! I'm not coming back! Never! You betta get yourself a girl who is into your sick fantasies. 🤨RAY
I will tell them, I was taught by one of the meanest women in this world. 🤫JACKY
Fuck you! I was the best thing that ever happened to you! That's what you should tell everyone who comes around. 😤RAY
I think I will get myself a woman who is into threesomes! 🤔JACKY
I don't care, don't tell me! 🤨RAY
Since I know you are going to come back, but the world will have moved on and you will have to share me with another woman. 🤔JACKY
If you get a woman after me, I will personally come over and suck your dick. 🙄RAY
I will remind you on that promise. 😅JACKY
No smart woman will hook up with you. 😉RAY
I don't care, I prefer sex with dumb women it's better. I enjoyed the sex with you! 😜JACKY
I'm fucking smart! Around you, people go nuts! 🥴RAY
Because I am so awesome! 😁JACKY
You are a creep! 😐RAY
Say whatever you want, I know you will keep dreaming of me! Then lean back and enjoy. 😘JACKY
I will enjoy myself don't you worry. I'll party and maybe fuck the entire football team that thought you should give football. 😈RAY
Well, do whatever you want, then come back and suck my dick! 🥰JACKY
This will be nothing but hope and a dream of you! 😉RAY
We'll see! 😆JACKY
Call your parents! 😐RAY
Why would I call my parents? And you accuse me of having sick fantasies. 😯JACKY
I mean it, talk with someone! I'm leaving. 😐RAY
And I will be waiting for you to crawl back! 😅JACKY
Are you listening to me! I am not coming back. 😐RAY
Then go! I don't wanna hold you back! Just go! 😤JACKY
I loved you once Ray! 😢RAY
You will remember this love! 😨JACKY
You are my past! 😢RAY
And your future! 😧JACKY
I talked to your parents! 🥺RAY
There you go! Sweetheart, we have to draw the line somewhere! 😅JACKY
Ray, this is real! 😐RAY
Well, I know that!JACKY
Don't lock yourself away!RAY
I won't don't worry, I've already called the guys, we are going out to party today! 🥳JACKY
Goodbye, Ray!RAY
Goodbye, Jacky! Don't give me your keys, how will get back in?
Jacky and Ray
Cerita PendekJacky and Ray are a couple. They have been together since their childhood. They grew up together, went to school together, to the prom, and later moved together. But in the present their romantic glow and passion have abated, they are mostly quarrel...