23. Happy birthday

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Cain's pov:

I awake with Milo still fast asleep next to me.

I roll over and check the time.

I scratch an itch away on my chin, feeling some slight stubble.
I should shave, Milo doesn't like my stubble when I kiss him. He thinks its too prickly.

I look at Milo once more.

Doesn't look like he'll wake up in the next few minutes at least.

I quietly get out of bed and get to the bathroom.

After a shower and I finished shaving, I go to the kitchen.

I see Margaret at the table, drinking a cup of tea while she seems to be reading something.

"Goodmorning!" She greets me, her signature smile on her face.

I greet her and make a cup of coffee.

"Did Brandon come back?" I ask as I sit down.

I hope so, I'm not in the mood to fish his ass out of whatever situation he got himself in.

"Yes, he came home a bit before sunrise." Margaret says, putting her book aside.
"How's Milo doing?"

"He's still fast asleep." I say as I look at the clock shown by the oven.
"Probably won't take too long before he wakes up."

Margaret gives me a sympathetic look.
"Wanna talk about what happend?" She asks me.

I sigh.
"We were at Pars Zona. And Milo was starting to get drunk, so I went and told Brandon we were leaving. When I came back, this asswipe was harassing Milo." I say, my teeth grinding at just the thought of what he did.

"So I invited that man outside and started beating him up." I say.

"Cain..." Margaret says, judging. She really hates all kinds of violence.

"What? He deserved it. I would've done a lot more damage if Milo didn't stop me."

"Don't you think that's a good thing? Sure, he did something awful. But does that give you the right to be judge, jury and executioner?" She tells me.

"C'mon Margaret, I'm not like that anymore!" I defend myself.

When I was younger, I made a lot of dumb decisions.
Beating up random people on the streets for no good reason, was one of those.

But I changed.
I wouldn't do that now.
I know I shouldn't.

The tense atmosphere slowly fades.

After we've chatted for roughly half an hour, mostly about work, I get back to Milo.

I don't want him to be alone when he wakes up.

I took my coffee with me.
As I get in bed besides him, I decide to go trough some emails.

After a good twenty minutes of endless requests and cancelations I see Milo stretch his arms.

He yawns before he opens his eyes.

"Mornin' Plum. How did you sleep?" I ask him.

"Morning." He rubs his eyes before he sits up.
"I slept fine."
He yawns once more.

I offer him a sip of my coffee, which he declines. I'm not surprised, seeing how this much caffeine could keep him awake for three days.

"I'm gonna shower." He says and gets to the bathroom.

I take his hand as he walks past me.

I gently pull him closer and kiss him, he kisses me back.
My hand floats off his cheek as he steps back to go to the bathroom, after giving me a kind smile.

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