~Talk To Me~ [S.MJ]

61 11 19

I hope this was okay @-WEVELUV

"Hey MinJae?" 

"What?" He didn't even look up from his phone. MinJae sounded so annoyed just by you talking and it made you nervous.

"Do you maybe want to go out today? To like a café or something, maybe a movie?" You fiddled with your hands out of nervousness. MinJae scoffed at you and continued looking at his phone.

"Do I look like I want to go out?" 

"Well I guess not..."

"Exactly." You left MinJae to his own devices and made your way to your room. You sat on the bed and contemplated the last few days with MinJae. You had no idea why but recently MinJae had been a real dick to you. He was so cold and dismissive towards you and it really hurt. He wasn't acting himself. He wasn't as bubbly and overall just seemed as if he didn't like having you around anymore. You blamed yourself for his behavior, you told yourself you had done something to tick him off and you couldn't figure out what it was. You tried everything to get him to talk to you but nothing worked. You began to worry that maybe, just maybe, MinJae had fallen out of love with you.

"Hey Y/N?" MinJae yelled from the next room.

"Yeah? What's up?" He walked into your room.

"Uh, I gotta go." He checked his phone briefly. "Yeah, I don't really know when, but I'll be back." Your heart dropped. You didn't want to assume anything, because that would be unfair to MinJae, but it really wasn't looking good. Could he be cheating? You always trusted him a lot so you really wanted to believe he wasn't and it was something so tiny, you didn't want to overreact.

"That's okay. Where are you going?" You looked at your hands not wanting to make eye contact.

"Oh no where, doesn't matter see ya." And with that, he left the room, then the house, and he was gone. You pulled out your phone and texted SeongJun, hoping he would know where MinJae was going. You didn't like having to ask a third party where your own boyfriend was, but, you did what you had to.

Hey, SeongJun, did MinJae tell you he was going anywhere today?

Oh yeah! He's coming here, he wants he to tutor him in some subjects.

Really? Why? I thought he was the top of the class or something.

I'm not sure... His grades have been slipping lately, idk maybe he's just stressed.

Yeah maybe, I'll talk to him, when do you guys get done?

We'll probably work for a few hours, I'm not sure.

Ah, that's fine, talk to you later SeongJun.

You to Y/N!

You set your phone down for a moment and thought. Why did he lie? Why couldn't he have just told you he wasn't doing well in school? Did he think you would judge him? Was that why he was being so cold towards you, because he was ashamed of his grades? The two of you didn't go to the same school, so, you never really knew what his school life was like. You had asked him on multiple occasions how he was doing and everything, and he'd always say he was doing well and sometimes he'd talk about getting the highest mark in a test or assignment. MinJae always seemed so proud of himself when he did well, so you assumed, that, if he started doing poorly, he'd probably end up being unnecessarily hard on himself. You also didn't know what his parents were like, you had met them once at dinner and they seemed nice enough, but, maybe they were secretly really strict with MinJae and his grades? You decided that you would wait until MinJae came back over, like he said he would, and confront him about everything. 

~~Time Skip, I don't have any jokes for you today~~

You were sitting on the couch patiently awaiting MinJae's arrival.

"Hey Y/N." He said as he walked though the door, taking off his shoes. 

"MinJae, you know you can talk to me about anything right?" You asked looking at him. MinJae's expression changed slightly, looking worried for a brief second.

"Of course. Why are you bringing this up?"

"You could have told me you were struggling in class." MinJae's face reddened in embarrassment and shame.

"I-I" He started, but due to being so caught off guard he couldn't continue. You gestured for him to sit beside you, and he did so.

"You know it's not a big deal, if that's why you've been acting so weird lately, I'm not doing so well in school myself." You laughed a little. "You didn't have to lie about going to see SeongJun."

"He ratted me out didn't he?"

"Absolutely." It was quiet between the two of you for a while.

"Y/N, I know I've been acting off lately, and I'm sorry for that, but it's not because of my schooling, well maybe a little but, that's not the main thing that's been going on."

"Well what's up? Like I said, you can tell me anything." You grabbed his hand and rubbed the back of it with your thumb.

"It's just some family stuff, you know." He trailed off.

"Like what?" MinJae visibly tensed up. "You know what, never mind, I can tell you don't want to talk about it, but, if you ever do, I promise I'm here or you." You gave him your best reassuring smile. MinJae's eyes teared up a bit, but he tried his best to hide it.

"Thank you Y/N, I really appreciate it." He paused for a moment. "I'm really sorry about being a little bit of a n ass lately, I guess I let my emotions get the better of me." 

"Hey, don't worry about it." MinJae hugged you, nothing like his face into the cook of your neck, then he spoke, slightly muffled.

"Thanks for being here." You could feel his tears soak through your shirt, it broke your heart. You rubbed circles on his back trying your best to comfort him

"Anytime MinJae, anytime."

Can someone honestly tell me if my writing has gotten worse lol, I kinda feel bad about it recently ngl, I feel like the quality of my work is decreasing rapidly. 😐

Anyway have a great day/night!


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