Off Center

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  Loki is written as genderfluid, and he uses he/she/they pronouns ! Enjoy :)

  Even after Loki did that, Mobius was lost with how he needed to act. If he was trying to ignore the god on purpose before, now, he was craving their attention. Being so close, being their only focus for a short moment, being touched by them… Well, touched was a great word. Loki just fixed his tie. But it was so much. It meant so much. Even if it was just teasing, it was okay, because it's Loki, and he was pining over her since day one, but now it's worse. If before he wanted to push her buttons, he wanted to be the calm one contrasting to the diva that was the Asgardian, now everything was reversed. Mobius wanted to have his coworker's eyes on him, but this one was ignoring his attempts. 

Of course, the agent tried the easy way. He did the same as the day when his emotions changed : he put his tie off center. It was as if, everyday, he was begging, please, please Loki, fix my tie. Fix my emotions. Fix me. Please, please.

Mobius wouldn't say that out loud. Of course he wouldn't. He couldn't. It was Loki after all, the god who despises sentiments. He had no chances. And that was too bad, because the man loved the idea of them together. He wanted to feel her against him, he wanted to embrace them as if there was no tomorrow. And he did it, everyday, in his hopes and dreams. He would think about how smooth and clear his skin would feel like, he would watch from afar the trickster to learn his habits, and to reproduce them in the security of his own mind later. That was something he was good at, after all. He dedicated his whole life to the god of mischief, because of their soon-to-be problem with the TVA. He was kind of an expert of them already, but the more he was around her, the more he was thinking that all he learnt wasn’t matching with reality. Or maybe it was because his sentiments for her have changed. If the maximum he has felt before was simple and pure admiration, now he was absolutely smitten. But he wouldn’t do anything that would compromise his emotions. In fact, he was sure that if anybody came to learn this, they would laugh at him. Not that loving Loki was laughable, though. Loki was the person who deserves the most love we could ever offer him. 

    Mobius tried to go on with his life, acting as normal as he could. What had changed was only his tie, never quite where it normally should be. Other than that, he still needed to monitor and handle Loki, as hard as this task could be. Nothing really happened according to their plan, but they managed to get out alive everytime. Well, almost. One day, the TVA agent was caught up in a battle so hard, that he couldn't dodge the hits of his opponent anymore, and he fell by exhaustion, being beat up hard. The god rushed to help him, fighting with all they got, then delicately took mobius in their arm to bring him back. If this one wasn't nearly unconscious, he would have surely enjoyed the moment, as embarrassing as it was. But Mobius' mind wasn't here, and all Loki could do was to take care of him. Maybe it was her chance to escape, but she couldn't leave him. No. Betraying the TVA could wait. Helping his coworker's injuries couldn't. But of course, when the man woke up the next day, there was no one next to him anymore. Just a glass of fresh water, which he gulped down gratefully, wondering what happened when he was asleep. 

    Mobius was now running in the corridors. It was a day like another, clearly, life couldn't be more boring here. But today, he was late. All he had the time to do was to dress up, and he needed to attend a very important meeting this morning. 

"Shit !"

Regaining his composure after nearly falling, he stopped running only when he was in front of the door. He tried to catch his breath, and that's how he was reminded that maybe he needed to work up again. When he was good to go, Loki appeared next to him, startling him. He greeted them, but the god just watch him with curious eyes. Then, slowly, as if to say 'if you don't want me to do it, just tell me', she brought her hands on Mobius' scalp, and combed his hair with her fingers. When the agent was more presentable, he retreated, letting out a little smile, then turned around and left to join the meeting they were late for. Mobius, whose mind was as messy as his hair earlier, took some time to recover what just happened. He then grinned, adjusted his tie, not needing this trick anymore, and walked into the room. Maybe today wasn't such a bad day.

Off Center [Lokius OS]Where stories live. Discover now