Be my personal maid and my whore.
Two souls met when one was dying and the other was trying to escape her reality.
Both took impulsive decisions and ended up together.
He was always unpredictable and she turned unpredi...
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Be my personal maid and my whore.
Hmm, how I got here? Nice question. How about we rewind to two days.
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🔱Before two days🔱
Is it normal for a woman to be roaming the streets at midnight? All the party people would say yes but my mother would just throw her slipper at my face. My father would probably just take away my car key and my work ID and have me stay at home, even though I am 28 years fucking old. I guess that's the perks of having Indian parents.
Even though they live back in India, they've successfully filled my head with all their paranoia and concerns and now I'm scared to even look out the car window. Yes, I'm not walking but driving, and yet I'm scared out of my wits. This is why I fucking hate it when I have to stay late for an uninformed surprise surgery.
I mean, I love my job as a gynecologist. But this is creepy! I can get robbed or kidnapped or murdered. Like y'all need to understand all of them are bad because I'm a virgin. I need to 'get some' before going back to my creator. And by getting 'some', I mean get a lot of that 'some'. It doesn't help that this neighborhood is known for crime.
To take my mind off of all the horrible possibilities, I turn on the music up a notch. The road is deserted and the street lamp is off. I sighed as I turned on the headlights and...
Was that a person? Did I just hit a fucking person?
Fuck my life!
I got out of the car but I was scared to approach the man. For all that I know, he could be a serial killer whose pretending to be hurt. I mean, I just saw a documentary about men on the streets pretending to be injured and asking women for help, only to brutally murder them. To be safe, I took my phone, prepared to dial 911. I turned on my phone's flashlight to check if he was injured and found his shirt all bloodied as more blood continued to pour out. I didn't want him to see my face, so I hurried up and wore a surgical mask, and took out the small medical kit I had in my car at all times.