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"I have something for you

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"I have something for you."

He said, as we laid in his bed. After our session in the couch, we had moved back to his bedroom to continue.

"Like a marriage gift?" I asked him as I turned to look at him. He laid on his side of the bed, on his back with both his hands behind his head.

I wanted to cuddle but even I knew it was too much considering our deal and stuff. I should limit our relationship to just sex and not get closer or comfortable with him because it would only lead to me getting hurt for sure.

"Whatever you want it to be!"

He got up, butt-naked, and I watched his dick move as he to his closet. He came back with a two boxes.

"What is it?" I asked curiosily

"Why don't you see for yourself?" he said.

I was hesitant to get up because I was butt-naked underneath the covers. He seemed to have noticed my reluctance.

"What are you shy about? After everything we did, you're shy now? I've seen and kissed everything. The mole near your nipple, your stretch marks, those amazing big and beautiful tits."

The main reason I'm comfortable with him is because he's not as cocky as I thought he was and he never mocked me of my insecurities. Maybe I am too quick to judge him but almost every man in my life has made me feel bad about myself, of course except my dad.

Even after this man has seen me bare and vulnerable, he hasn't said anything that would made me self conscious. His words did boost my confidence, so I got up -naked- and approached him.

As I opened the big box, the content in it shocked me. Well shocked would be an understatement. The outfit brought tears to my eyes.

How could he?!

"You know, when you made this deal, I don't know what part of my stupid brain thought that you would go easy on me and not humiliate me. After these 3 days, I was regretting judging you, but I guess my first guess about you was right." I said vehemently.

"What?" he asked dumbfounded.

"Never mind! I'm not wearing this. I agreed to be your maid and your sex partner. You don't have to humiliate me by asking me to wear these cloths."

I've never thought that being a maid was a lowly job. If I had thought that, I wouldn't have readily agreed to it in the first place. Because whether be a maid, prostitute or pornstar, all of them were a job, some do it willingly while circumstances forces others and we have no right to judge or deem someone's job lower than ours and look down upon them.

The reason I was hurt and angry was that after these 3 days, him treating me like this felt like he was trying to throw me away after using me. If it was going to be this way, then he should have always had treated me this way. Maybe it's my fault for thinking that he was being kind to me.

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