Are You Falling for Him?

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Night and day flew by quick. 4:00 was approaching quickly. I was just pulling into the parking spot.

"Do you know where to go?" (Y/f) questioned. "I have no clue. Main doors? Backstage? I feel bad were late." "It happens. It's not our fault traffic was terrible!"

We turned to corner to meet a security guard.

"Sorry. No visitors beyond this point." The security guard was strict." "Even with passes?"
"Even with passes. Move along. No visitors beyond this point." "Well he was rude!" I said aside to (y/f), "What if we try the main door?" "We could try."

No person allowed us access to the building. After about 30 minutes we were unable to get in.

"I feel ditched. I wish I could get to call them." "It's not their fault. Tweet them." (Y/f) suggested.

I gave (y/f) a no shit look. Well she had a point. But it wouldn't work. My twitter was a fan account for many bands so my tweets would blend in with the others.

"Won't work." "I guess. Let's try when the doors open at 6." "We have like 2 hours to kill."
"Let's just sit backstage on the bench." "Fine."

I felt disgusted. Was it Ashton's fault? Did he know they were fake? Or was it the securty's fault? Did he not know Ashton invited us? I felt sick. The room began to spin. Hours and hours drug on. It felt like I was on the bench for days. Not realizing it was already 5:30.

"You ok?" (Y/f) voice was concerning. "Yea I'm fine. Just disgusted." "You gonna be ok here? I'm gonna run to the restroom." "I'll be fine."

(Y/f) left. The world was silent. There was a tap at my shoulder and a familiar voice whispered to me:

"(Y/n)? You ok?"

My eyes cracked opened to see Calum "I'm alright. Just hot."
"Why aren't y'all inside? I'm came looking for you. We thought y'all didn't like us and didn't come." Calum sounded upset. "No never. We kept getting denied entry." "We'll c'mon. Here I'll help you up."

I felt his strong arm slipped around my waist.

"OMG WHAT'S WRONG? ARE YOU OK?" (Y/f) comes barging out of the restroom yelling.

"Nothing. I was just helping her up. C'mon let's go in." Calum escorted us inside. He kept his arm around me the whole time. I didn't have the guts to tell him I didn't need help.

"Hey! They're here! You better get to your seats." Michael shouted. "Luke and Ash are in the shower. I won't tell Ash you're here. He'll flip!" He said with a wink directed towards me.

"Y'all seats are front centered." Calum passed us our tickets.
"Wait. I thought it was sold out." (Y/f) eyes widened.

I looked at her in surprise.

"We added a few more seats today. We put two there just for y'all." "That's awesome." (Y/f) was super excited. I was still trying to figure out everything that's going on.
"We better get going. Maybe we could hang out after the show?" Michael made it sound more like "let's hang out together!" Rather than a question.
Calum was dragging Michael by the arm while Michael was blabbing on about stuff to do tonight.
They're so sweet I thought.
* * * * *
"10 minutes till they're on. C'mon (y/n). Lighten up." "Idk what to think." "Hey me either. Just soak it all up. Why are you sad?" "Aftermath problems." "Like?" "Like will they forget us after tonight." "Ok stop right there. I don't want to think about that now. Just enjoy the moment. Who knows what could happen. Stay positive."

She was right. I needed to lighten up. And not think about the negativity that could come along after meeting them.

The lights dimmed. Then the theatre went pitch black. 4 silhouettes appeared onstage. Screams filled the room as the heartbeat of the drum burst through to the audience
(Your friends pov)
Michael is on my left!! Ah he's so adorable. I wish there was a way he would noticed me. Then there's (y/n). Shining like a diamond with her sequined shirt. Look at her. Staring at Ashton. Ooooooo. There's a crush. It's starting to show

"YOU LIKE ASHTON!!!!" I shouted in silence. Not realizing Calum ask everyone to quiet down . Oops! I glanced over at (y/n). Staring at the ground. Redness glowing on her face. Ashton! He's doing the same! Michael is laughing at me. I feel so bad. But I can't help but laugh.

Music started up once more. A finger jabbed unto my stomach.

"Could you have said that any louder?" A tone of anger was in her voice. "Well how was I suppose to know it got quiet?" "If you would of been listening to Calum you would of known!" "Sheesh I'm sorry.....Ashton is staring at you! AWWWWW." (Y/n) quickly glanced away. "I think he likes you!" "Focus on Michael. Cause he's watching you too!" "I can't look him in the eyes." "Neither can I with Ashton."

My focused turned away from (y/n) to Michael. His swift movements of his arm strumming the guitar. All sweaty. I gotta admit. It was HOT! WOO!

Time flew by. The concert was wrapping up. Lights blinding us. People leaving. It can't be over.

(Normal pov)

"I can't believe its over." (Y/f) whined. "I know! It was amazing. Minus when you embarrassed the shit out of me!" "Sorry. What time is it?" "Almost 10:45" "Sheesh" "Time to go home?" I looked at her. Waiting for her to answer. "Idk."

We were almost to the exit. A voice stopped me in my tracks.

I turned around to see the man behind the drums.
"Hi Ashton." "How was the show?" "Amazing! Y'all did an incredible job." "Better then words can describe." (Y/f) budded in.

We all busted out laughing at Kay's remark

"That's good. So where were y'all earlier?" Ashton eyes glanced back and forth between us.
"Security wouldn't allow us in." (Y/f) finally broke the silence.
"Sorry. I should have told them something." Ashton apologized.
"It's not your fault."

"Hey (y/f)!" Michael approached your friend.
"Hey Michael!"

(Y/f) ditched me and went after Michael. Awkwardness took over Ash and I. A smile went across his face. I couldn't help but look back down at the ground.

"You embarrassed your friend." Michael laughed. "I didn't mean to honestly." "I thought it was pretty funny." "It was a good one!" "Haha you're funny. We should hang out sometimes." "I would like that. (Whoa. This can't be happening. Did he really just say that? I must be dreaming)"

A hand slide under my chin. Bringing my eyes up to meet Ashton. "Don't be shy now."
I couldn't help but smile. "Sorry." I shyly spoke. "I think it's cute."

My eyes shot back down to the floor. Heart pounding. Ashton thinks it's cute when I'm shy.
Suddenly my phone interrupted my thoughts. It was dad calling.

"(Y/f). Dad just called. He wants us to head home already."
"AWWWW." "Y'all better get going. I want you to get home safe." Michael pulled (y/f) into a hug. I just smiled at Ashton. Paralyzed

"I'll want to see you again. Soon." Ashton turned to me. "I'll be here."

We said our goodbyes. And sadly left them behind. (Y/f) sat like an idiot. Grinning in the front seat. The ride was silent. But a good silent. We were both thinking the exact thing. The expression never left her face. Then it clicked.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2015 ⏰

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