December 29th

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You wandered around the local Tesco's with a basket tucked into your elbow. So far, it was filled with pasta, a jar of pesto, chicken breast and a bottle of white wine. You were in the sweets isle looking for a Terry's Chocolate Orange when you saw a familiar frame out of the corner of your eye.

When you turned and confirmed that it was Harry, you wandered the few feet over to him.

"Hey." You said in order to announce yourself.

The surprise on his face faded into a smile. "Hey. How are you?"

"Good." You nodded. The two of you hadn't spoken since your drive, except for the two texts sent asking what the other one was up to. Harry spent the night before with his mom watching movies, and the day before that you were with your friends, catching up and drinking wine.

It was always weird seeing one another in public. It was easier in the parking lot or in the safety of someone's room. One would think that after years of having to exist in the same spaces, the two of you would've gotten the hang of social interaction—but alas, it was always the same level of awkward.

"Good." He nodded back before looking down and gesturing to your basket. "Dinner?"

"Yeah." You smiled before peering into his. Your brow furrowed when you saw the flour, the sugar, the ground ginger and pack of unsalted butter. "What are you up to?"

"Gem and I are gonna bake gingerbread cookies."

"After Christmas?"

He shrugged. "I had to take a later flight so we didn't get it do it before like we usually do. Figured better late than never."

"That's fun." You said—and you meant it. Before your dad passed, your family spent the day before Christmas Eve baking and decorating cookies, but it was your dad's thing. So when he died, so did the tradition.

A short silence passed between the two of you before Harry dipped his hand into your basket and pulled the wine bottle out. "Plan on sharing this with anyone?"


"How 'bout you come over then? We can drink some wine and make some cookies. It'll be fun."

You weren't really sure where the invitation was coming from, since he had never extended anything like it before—but that was the tip of the iceberg in regard to your hesitation.

"You don't think it would be weird?" You asked.

"No. Why would it be weird?"

"Gem and your mum...they don't really know we hangout."

"So that's what we're calling it?"

You shoved his shoulder and leveled him with a serious look.

"We hangout sometimes." He said.

"Yeah, alone and for very specific reasons."

"C'mon. Come over. It'll be fun and you've got nothing else to do."

You bit your lip and thought it over for a moment. You had a multitude of reasons to say no, but none of them were convincing enough. "Okay."


When you and Harry walked through the front door of his house, Gemma's voice could be heard from the kitchen singing along to Christmas music.

"Did you get the stuff?" She called.

When you and Harry rounded the corner and entered the kitchen, you saw Gemma try and hide the surprise on her face. You felt your cheeks heat slightly and waved to her awkwardly.

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