December 30th

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"I think you could just stay." Harry said into your hair.

You were in his room, naked under the covers, having just spent the past hour doing some very fun things.

"I don't think I can." You said into his chest. "I have to go and get ready for the thing later."

He cuddled you closer to his chest. "It's just the pub, babe."

"Yeah, but you know everyone usually gets dressed up tonight. I want to look good."

"You always look good."

"Maybe to you, but I want other people to think I look good."

Harry's brow furrowed. "Why? You're not going home with anyone else."

"That may be true," Harry felt himself relax. "But I still want to look pretty. Even if just for myself."

"The pub isn't for another four hours. You don't have to go home yet. C'mon and stay a bit longer."

As much as you wanted to—and you really wanted to—you couldn't. "I know but I want to nap and shower and I have to figure out whether or not I'm going to style my hair and—"

"You need a nap? I tired you out that much, huh?" He chuckled as you rolled your eyes and pushed away from him, attempting to get out of his grasp, but his arms around you didn't budge.

"What if you I go get your stuff. We were going together anyway. Why not get ready together?"

"I never actually agreed to go with you."

"But you want to."

"But I still never agreed."

Harry let out a frustrated groan. "C'mon! Why are you so against it?"

"Because it's weird! We don't do that!"

"C'mon, love. Please." He kissed your head. "Please?"

You felt yourself melt at his soft voice, but you were still apprehensive. "You're gonna go to my house and get my things? Like, you're actually going to do that?"

"Yes, I am." He kissed your hair again. "Tell me what I need to get and I'll get it."

"But my sister might be home."


"What do you mean 'so'?"

"They know we hookup, love. They have to know. It's been years. You think they've never heard us? I don't really think it's as much of a secret as we think it is."

"Yeah, but, like...that doesn't mean I want her to know."

"Babe, please. Let me go and get everything. It'll be fine. I'll say I'm picking stuff up for my mum if she's there."

"She would never buy that."

"You're unbelievable." His chest shook softly with his laugh and you kissed his bare chest.


As he sat in his car in front of your house, he went over the list you had typed out for him one more time: black dress, black tights, a very specific panty set--and a pair of thick socks. He smirked when he realized you'd be wearing your Docs. At least some things about you didn't change.

As he walked to the door, he pulled out the set of keys you had given him and attempted to locate the one with the mushroom sticker. He shoved it into the lock and turned it, but when it didn't turn, he realized it was already unlocked.

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