Kiss Her You Fool

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Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Very brief mentions of nudity (skinny dipping), one argument, mentions of food

Summary: The countdown is on until Fred and George plan on making their grand exit from Hogwarts. But that means Fred only has a short amount of time to finally confess his feelings to his best friend.

Prompt: Kiss Her You Fool by Kids That Fly

Word Count: 4.5k

A/N: For  Amourtentiaa's writing challenge, with the song Kiss Her You Fool being the prompt. Second fic in Abby's Week of Weasley !


Five Days Left

Stop making up your excuses

Call her up, tell her you forgot something

"You're staring again."

Fred ignored his brother and continued to watch you and your friends spread out on the courtyard grass. He watched as you sat up and brushed the leaves out of your hair, laughing at something that your friend said. He admired your glowing smile, which always lit up the room. Your perfect, beautiful smile.

"Fred," George said, this time a little more forcefully. Fred shook his head and finally took his eyes off of you, much to his disappointment. He blushed profusely and turned back to his brother, who was holding a list of all the things they would need to do before their departure in 5 days. "You're whipped."

"Am not!" Fred argued. "She's just nice to look at, that's all. Plenty of girls here are nice to look at."

"Mhmm," George replied. "So is that why you've turned down any advances from the other girls who are nice to look at? Just admit it, little Freddie's in love!" George sighed dreamily, only to be met with a punch to his shoulder from his annoyed twin.

"She's just my friend! My best friend. Even if I did see her that way, which I don't–" George gave Fred an unbelieving look but Fred continued, "–it's not like she would feel the same way. And we're leaving in 5 bloody days! There's no point." He huffed and put his head in his hands, wishing there was some way that everything could work out perfectly for him and you.

"Stop making up your excuses, mate!" George said, completely done with his brother's antics. "Just go tell her how you feel. Worst case scenario she rejects you, we leave in a few days, and you both have a few months to get over it. You're making this too complicated."

Fred looked back over to where you were, seeing that Roger Davies and his friends had made their way over to you and your friends. He noticed the small blush that appeared on your face as Roger brushed your hair behind your ears, and Fred had to pry his eyes away before he got even more upset.

"I can't lose her, Georgie," he said softly. "She's my best friend. I need to have her in my life, even if that means just as a friend."

George rolled his eyes but patted his brother on the back comfortingly. "You have to tell her some time, or you'll go the rest of your life regretting it. You only have 5 days left before we're gone for good."

Fred nodded, courage surging in his chest. 5 days. That's 5 chances to tell you and hope that against all odds you felt the same way. Feeling at peace with the time he had, Fred finally put his focus into helping his brother plan, but not before taking one last look over to where you laid so serene in the afternoon sun. He still had time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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