Close Quarters

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Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Language, sexual references, partial nudity, like one paragraph of brief smut but no details, mentions of food, accidentally getting lit on fire (oopsie spoiler), angst, rude Fred

Summary: What happens when George moves out, leaving Fred to live with the one person he despises the most? Chaos, that's what happens.

Prompts: Roommates and Enemies to Lovers with the prompts "I can't believe you talked me into this." "This is the opposite of what I told you to do." and "You can't banish me! This is my apartment too!"

Word Count: 9k

A/N: This is for TheWeasleySlut's birthday celebration writing challenge, happy birthday love !! And also the first fic in Abby's Week of Weasley, enjoy!


As Fred Weasley sealed up the last box with an excess amount of tape, he took a second to step back and take in his surroundings. It was the same old loft he had lived in for the past 4 years. There was the couch and armchairs positioned around a coffee table, the Muggle guitar propped up on its stand in the corner, the many pictures of his family scattered around the open space. It was controlled chaos, and to him it was beautiful. But it was all changing, and much too soon for his liking.

"Thanks for the help Freddie," called his twin George from the other room. The tall ginger haired boy who had just spoken joined his slightly older brother in the main part of the loft, carrying a box filled with books he had collected over the years. "It really means a lot, Angie got pulled away for work so I know she'd appreciate it."

Fred nodded and gave his brother a small smile. "Of course Georgie, anything else I can do?"

George took a look around the room. By the door were piles of dozens of boxes, all filled to the brim with George's clothes and knick knacks. He sighed and scratched the back of his head, a deep sadness overtaking his features.

"No, I think we're alright," he said. "Just need to get these to my new place and we should be all set."

Fred let out a deep sigh and looked at his brother. They stared at each other for a few short seconds before dropping everything in their hands and wrapping their arms around each other.

"Do you really have to go?" Fred whispered softly. It was so unlike him to be quiet, and even more unlike him to be nervous and shy. But watching his brother, who he had lived with for 22 years, finally leave and get his own place broke him. "It's always been us, George, you and me, the Weasley twins. I can't imagine living without you."

George squeezed his twin even tighter, a loose tear falling from eye. "It's not like I'm leaving you, me and Angelina will be just a Floo Network trip away. And you can't expect her to stay here forever and be forced to live with you as well."

Fred scoffed and let out a breathy chuckle. "What do you mean, she's loved staying with us! The second she moved in with you she told me that she couldn't imagine anything better than living with her lover and his twin brother who's always around."

"She was being sarcastic mate, she can only handle one twin at a time and unfortunately for you that twin is me." George released his brother and quickly wiped his eyes, noticing Fred doing the same thing.

"Whatever," Fred replied, "it was getting annoying not being able to walk around freely in my own place without having to see you two shagging on every piece of furniture."

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