Everything You Do//F.W.

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Original Link: https://freddie-weaselbee.tumblr.com/post/643140235505647616/everything-you-do

Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Language, love potion, small argument but honestly really fluffy

Summary: Y/N tries to get back at Fred for years of pranks, only to have her plan blow up in her face and she has to suffer the consequences for 48 hours.

Request: i literally loved writing this so much and now magic's gonna be stuck in my head for the next week so thanks for that

Word Count: 7.9k yeah I may have gotten a little carried away

Song: Magic by One Direction

A/N: For the sake of the story One Direction exists in the 90′s and Hogwarts has Muggle radios. Also I spent my Valentine's Day writing this instead of actually doing something romantic because Fred owns my heart and real men don't compare. That's my excuse.


"This is a really dumb idea."

"I know, that's what makes it so fun!"

Angelina Johnson was standing guard outside of a small broom closet while you were mixing together dozens of ingredients you had swiped from Snape's storage room. He had been distracted punishing the troublemaking twins, giving you the perfect opportunity to grab everything you needed. Ironic how they were the ones who made it possible for you to enact your plan against them.

"I still can't believe you roped me into this." Angelina was one of your best friends since your first year at Hogwarts. The two of you had been inseparable for years, which meant she always had your back, even if that consisted of concocting a love potion for a certain redhead Gryffindor.

You added the last of your ingredients and continued to stir, being careful not to mess up the very specific directions for this spell. "C'mon Angie," you said, "you know you want to get him back as much as I do."

Angelina sighed heavily but didn't argue. The two of you were usually on the receiving end of pranks from Fred and George and anything you ever planned to do to get them back failed miserably. But the second you overheard them talking about making love potions to sell an idea formed in your mind.

"It's finished." You poured the cauldron's contents into a small vial before cleaning up any traces of your unlicensed actions. This small potion was about to make your life a lot more interesting. "You can get us into the kitchens, right Angie?"

The girl nodded and led you out of the closet and down abandoned corridors. Angelina's prefect status had been extremely helpful in many cases, as no one would question why the two of you were out late. You could barely contain yourself as you thought about the chaos that would be happening in less than 24 hours. And by God did Fred Weasley deserve all that was coming to him.


You had everything planned out. Angelina and you spent the night baking the potion into some brownies with the help of the house elves, a treat you knew Fred wouldn't be able to resist. The plan was simple.

Angelina had asked George the other night if he would want to go on an early morning walk and get in some extra Quidditch practice, so it would only be Fred and Lee in their dorm room when they woke up. The way the potion worked was that, once consumed, the first person the victim makes eye contact with is the person they fall madly in love with for 48 hours. And you and Angelina had decided on the perfect person to be on the receiving end of Fred's love. Lee Jordan.

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