"But Did You?"

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But someone caught me.

"Falling for me already. Gosh I didn't know I had such an impact on you."

I look up to se Julia smirking, my face inches away from hers. My heart beats fast and a blush creeps up on my face. My eyes fix upon her lips and then a thought crosses my mind.
'Fuck this. Imma go for it'

I lean into Julia until our lips connect. The electricity flying between us. She was a little surprised at first but then she kissed back. My hand made its way to the back of her head, pulling her closer in. Julia's hands travelling down my body. Her tongue swiped across my bottom lip begging for entrance and I granted it. I had to suppress a moan but I didn't succeed. I felt a smirk against my lips. We pulled apart gasping for air staring at each other.

"You liked that hmm?", comes from Julia caressing my cheek. I blushed a deep crimson.

"Yes I did. But did you", I reply with waiting for Julia's reaction. Her face was blank not giving away anything. After this, Dr Hoffman walked away towards the Manor swaying her hips in usual fashion. I slumped against the tree and felt a sudden urge to scream.
'Why did she just leave me like that. All alone and more confused about my feelings towards her than ever.'

I looked at my watch and saw it was around dinner time so I walked back through the forest. The darkness closing in slowly, a harsh wind picking up behind me, pushing me towards home. I started to see the shadow of the Manor and my breathing became unsteady. I went into the house the back entrance.

"There you are. Now where have you been?", says Elizabeth who comes round the corner. "And why do you look like you have been through a storm."

"Oh, I tripped and fell into a Bush in the forest. So technically I have been through a bush haha.", I respond not trying to give anything away that I am lying.

"Right, anyway dinner is nearly ready so I suggest you brush your hair.", Elizabeth says walking into the kitchen. I run up the stairs and see an orange blur whip round a door.
'What was she staring at?'

I grab a brush from my bedside table and attack my hair, trying to make it presentable. I look in the mirror and decide that I look good. I rush down stairs to see everyone sat down. I go to sit next to Carolyn, avoiding eye contact with Julia. I can feel her eyes burn into my head as if wondering why I wasn't sitting next to her.

"Elizabeth is it okay if I go into town tomorrow. I want to see what is so scary about this town", I ask remembering the taxi drivers advice and warning.

"Sure! Do you want anyone to accompany you.", she replies. Before Julia can open her mouth I blurt out.

"Nope it's I will be fine on my own"
'Why the fuck did I say that. I could of asked Julia why she left. Or maybe, just maybe I could make Julia jealous for leaving me like that'

The meal continues in silence until I pick up my plate and excuse my self from the table. I wash up, dry my cutlery and walk to my room. I am so tired that I instantly flopped when I had changed and cleaned myself up.

************The next day************

The sun crept through the curtains as the songs of the birds harmonising. I remembered that I was going into town today.
'I really wish I meet a friend today. I left everyone at home.'

I walk to my wardrobe and put on this outfit. I must remember today to buy a couple of new outfits.

I skip breakfast because I didn't want to face Julia this morning

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I skip breakfast because I didn't want to face Julia this morning. I started walking towards town when I saw a girl dressed in a very figure hugging dress and my gay heart beat twice the speed.

 I started walking towards town when I saw a girl dressed in a very figure hugging dress and my gay heart beat twice the speed

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"Hi, I'm y/n. Can I just say that you look amazing today."

"Thank you so much. My name is Cassie. I am new here could you help me?", says Cassie smiling at me.

"I am like you. I am new here. Want to go to town together?", I ask cautiously trying to not scare my new friend.

"I would love to!", Cassie responds with a friendly smile, hooking my arm  and walking towards town.

My doctor (A Julia Hoffman fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now