I Don't Know What You Mean

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I instantly whipped my head round to see a mass of orange hair. My eyes drop to her face, her cheekbones curving like an art form. Her red luscious lips formed in a pout as if insinuating contact. The curves of her hair matched perfectly with her body.

"I can tell from your face and body language that your are lying straight through your teeth."

"I don't know what you mean.", I respond with a harsh bitterness in my voice. I hated being accused of things I have never done.

"Y/n this is Dr Julia Hoffman." Elizabeth says as I start to freak out.
'I just accused THE Julia Hoffman of lying and now I am fucked'

The woman that would make or break my future was just stood in front of me and she already hated me.

"You must be my new assistant. I want you in my office tomorrow. And don't be late, I hate people that can't keep a sense of time.", says Dr Hoffman as she leaves the room swaying her hips and drinking from her glass.

"I am going to head up to bed now. See you in the morning!" I say as I stumble out of the room towards my bedroom scared and confused. I flop onto the bed and grab my book and glasses to read where I left.

She entered the woods with no intent of turning back. The barren trees swaying in the wind and twigs littering the ground like land mines. The sky echoed the moment. Murky. The last leaves of the autumn crunching below her feet. All that was truth and reality was a hoax. Those who said they were her friends turned out to be enemies and those she was told were her enemies were in fact her heroes. Her breath slowly running out and her muscles screaming in pain as Lyra didn't stop running. Lyra had left her friends bodies hidden so that later she could give them a proper burial and not be taken by 'the clinic'

"Lyra... Lyra I know your here" came a voice from ahead. Lyra stopped and held her breath to not draw attention to her self. He was here. But how could he be here. He died.

"Come out Lyra! If you come back now, no more people have to be hurt", he said.

"No! You lied to me! You lied to all of us! You needed lab rats and we were the perfect victims!", she screamed at him.

Lyra surveyed her surroundings. She had a pistol in her pocket but to shoot the man she loathed was to go against all her values.

"I wouldn't shoot if I were you", a voice came from Lyra's shoulder.

How did he know?

I woke up to the sound of a door slamming shut. The book fell from my chest and my glasses falling from the top of my head. I glanced at my clock and saw the time. 5:15. 'Who the hell is slamming doors at this time in the morning'.

"Well, well, well, look its the liar" comes a voice from the shadows. My breath hitches as I remember the slight American accent from last night.

"Dr... Wh-what are y-y-you doing in-n-n my ro-om?", I stutter out trying to move away from my bed.

"Am I making you nervous y/n?", Julia says whilst smirking against her glass whilst taking a sip. Then it hit me.

She was drunk!

"Dr Hoffman you are drunk so please go back to your room and sleep this of.", I say as Julia walks towards me and I back up into a wall. My heart beating twice the speed which is normal and I feel sweat forming on my brow. I take a gulp as her face is now inches away from mine and my mind goes blank. My eyes flicker to the top of her night gown and then back up.

"Ooohh... Does little Dr y/n like women.", the firey hair lady says as she sits down on my bed, placing her whiskey glass on my bedside table. I turn away to compose myself and steady my breathing when I hear soft snoring coming from behind.
'God she must have been wasted to fall asleep as soon as she hit my bed. I should take her back to her room.'

I pick Julia up and push my back against my door to open it. I wander down the hallway carefully and making sure I don't drop her or move her suddenly. I walk right to the end to see two doors open and assume this was her room. I walk in and I am instantly taken aback by the glass and papers on the floor. Moving towards the back of the room, I see her bedroom.

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I place her down gently removing her heels and scarf from her neck. Julia throws her arms up suddenly and I step back. Once I realised she was dreaming I made my way to he office. I grab a dustpan and brush and sweep the glass, then mop the floor to get rid of the smell of liquor and alcohol. Once that was finished, I grabbed all the papers littered around the room and order them by date not looking in depth at the content. In the corner of the room, I saw a desk which had a named letter on it.

Dear Dr Y/n Clarke

I leave it as I belive that it was for work and I started my job in a few hours. I looked around the room and was satisfied with the cleanliness and sat on the couch. So much had happened in such a short time and now my body was catching up. I go back to Julia's room and stare at her. How could such a scary and sexy women be so vulnerable and cute when asleep. I walked over to where her head lay and tucked some of her hair behind her ear and whispered.

"I really hope you don't remember tonight. But for now, good night."

I somehow ended up in my room and looked at the clock. The time read 7:03 and I gave up hope and so went to the bathroom to shower, brush my teeth and grabbed a clip to style my hair. I walked to my wardrobe and put on this outfit

I moved over to my bed and made it up so the maid didn't need to touch my room

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I moved over to my bed and made it up so the maid didn't need to touch my room. I walked out of the room, closed the door and saw Carolyn.

"What the fuck were you doing with Julia last night?"



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