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Aliza's POV

Me:rock a by babies on the tree top,mommy is here but daddy is a stupid idiot who deserves to get beaten up by a biker gang.

I was singing to my kids .I love them with ALL OF MY HEART and I WILL HURT ANYONE who tries to hurt them,after they fell asleep I feed Princess (that what I named the puppy) and did my homework took a shower then a guy knocked on my door he was REALLY HOTT ,hotter than Dylan I had to fan myself

Troy:you Aliza?

Me:yes I am who wants to know?

Troy:nobody,but me because prom is coming up and like 3 weeks and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me to prom

Me:um sure yes I am not going with anyone else

Troy:yes !👍👍um see you around school I guess

Me:yeah pick me up at 8:00 pm

Troy:yeah okay see you there

Troy is a very nice,easy sweet,smart,cute and quite guy he is the sexiest guy in my school every girl in my school have a crush on him including myself.OMG Troy sits in the back of the class room and answers all of the questions while everyone else talks and texts each other ,he got a award for all A's NO B's and citizenship and for perfect attendance he never got a detention in his life. He is one of the most popular person among other people plus he works out three time a day for four hours. I had a crush on him for a long time.We went to the same pre school,elementary school,middle school,and high school and now the same college. I know in the beginning of the story I said I was in LOVE with Dylan but Troy is much HOTTER than Dylan (most of you ladies know he's cute but don't want to admit it)

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