They What!?!!?!!?!!!!!??!?!?!?!???!!?

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Esteban POV

I WAS AT THE hospital and I saw Aliza and Dylan and some other people Ailza was going into ............LABOR I saw the whole thing so that means Ailza got pregnant by Dylan and not just one but two babies and I could not wait to tell everyone at school so the next day I told everyone what I saw and when  i went to tell Neisha she looked as if she was going to do something evil but I am sure she didn't mean to do anything evil or devil like

Reneisha POV

When I heard this gossip I was so excited so after school i saw Dylan I walked up to him I made sure Esteban was there and Ailza to see and I kissed him for like  two minutes straight  when I was finished I saw Aiklza was no where in sight she was walking home pissed off and I smiled and kissed Dylan more this time with more passion I slipped my tongue in his mouth and I am sure he kissed me back until he saw Ailza walk off, he push me away but I came back to kiss him, I took his hand and put it on my butt I am sure he enjoyed that whole thing I pushed him away and walked home

                                                                               MISSION COMPLETED

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