«~𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐭~»

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Quackity's POV:

It was a cold morning I was the only one awake. I didn't expect much to happen. Well..Apart from a war. That was the only thing that happened these days. I walked out of my house, the sun was just coming into view. I had been up steaming all night..*God damn it Quackity..!! Thats another night without sleep..you idiot..* I had promised the others I'd try get a good night's sleep. Pfft- Yeah. Like that's ever gonna happen.

I felt something furry rub against my legs, it was my cat Tiger. I picked him up and took him inside, I put him on the counter and searched the cupboards for his tinned food. *its empty..crap..!* i sighed and walked to the fridge and pulled out a can of tuna, half of the tuna was already eaten. I looked at my cat "Did you get into the bloody fridge again!?" I breathed as my cat started meowing at the sight of the tuna. I scooped it into his bowl and slid it to him. The bloody thing ate it in 6 mouth fulls. I had forgotten to feed him the night before..I stroked my cat then walked out the room and into my bedroom.

I started to get changed when all of a sudden I heard something smash against my window. I pulled on a shirt and dashed to the window. I pulled open my curtains to see Tommyinnit and Tubbo stood at my window. They had thrown a ball at my window. I flicked them of and swore at them. They started laughing and ran of. "IM GONNA BEAT YOUR ASSES!!" I pulled the curtains closed and got dressed. I grabbed my beanie and opened my bedroom door, Tiger ran in my room and started to run around the room like a lunatic.

I slid past tiger and strolled to my front door, grabbed my keys and opened the front door, Tommy was stood right outside my door. I looked him up and down and sighed, "What did you do this time big man?" I said as his eyes met mine. "Well you see..- erm..TUBBO BLEW A HOLE IN YOUR BATHROOM WALL." Tommy practically screamed at me. "NO I DIDN'T. YOU DID IT." Tubbo screamed back, They started to arguing on my doorstep. I shut the door and slid past them. It was to early for this. I'm not getting into a fight at 8 in the morning.

I walked through l'manburg and saw George and dream sat in a field of flowers. George constantly asking what colours the flowers where. They where making flower crowns. They honestly made a cute couple. I waved to them and they waved back, I thought it'd be best to leave them to it. They hardly get peace and quiet like this anymore. I let out a deep sigh and shoved my hands into my pockets, the feeling of being alone filled my head. *If only that was me..with who..? It doesn't matter..along as I wasn't alone..it didn't matter..* that's when I saw them. A group was surrounding someone. A tall 6'4 man. I walked to the crowd and felt a hand pull me closer. It was the man. He looked at me and smirked. "Hola mi amor.~ " I looked him up and down, almost breaking my neck to look at his face. (I'm 5'8.) I let out a long laugh, He joined in and let me go,"Im Jschlatt, call me Schlatt for short." He said as he held out his hand for me to shake. I gripped his hand and shook it "Im Quackity. But people on the street call me Big Q ;} " His eyes somewhat widened, then they went back to normal and he let out a small chuckle. "Let me guess. Your a drug dealer." He said as I gasped "HOW DID YOU KNOW-!?" I felt hands wrap around my chest and pull me back into the crowd, it was Karl, Karl Jacobs. He pulled me away from the crowd and cuddles me from behind, his husband Sapnap was next to him waving at me. I Waved back at him as Schlatt tried to escape the people surrounding him. "So that's the new person? He's bloody tall alright." Sapnap said as he watched Schlatt run away.

"Don't worry, he's only visiting for two days. " i said as karl let go of me and sat down on the grass with me and sapnap.

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