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*Jschlatts POV*

i watched q run away as i called for him to come back. i sighed and went back in.

"DAMN IT!" i slammed my hand into my desk, sending things flying off the desk. including a photo of me and Q. I let the photo smash to the floor and sighed as I picked up the photo from its now shattered frame. Only now did I realise how forced Q's smile was. It was my fault for falling in love with him in the first place. i knew he had two lovers but i pushed that to the side and tried to get him to love me. What was I thinking?

I sighed and picked up a bottle of whiskey and took a sip. I sat down by my desk and suddenly hissed in pain. I looked down at my hand and saw how red it was, it was slowly swelling. "Shit.."  I must've damaged it when I smashed my hand on my desk. I groaned and laid my head on my desk. I had no plans on going home. So I shut my eyes and let myself slowly fall asleep.

♥︎ The next morning ♥︎
*Quackitys POV*
I walked into the office that morning to see Schlatt asleep on his office floor. He looked so peaceful. I sighed and tapped him on the shoulder. "Schlatt..wake up.!" I muttered to him, I put a hand on his shoulder which caused him to wake up. He groaned and looked up at me with a small smile. "Quackity..~" he said in a very tired voice. I sighed and smiled. "Good morning J..-" he stood up and "Q listen I-" he said, but I quickly interrupted him. "I know your sorry. I forgive you." I said as he smiled. He threw his hands around me and hugged me. I hugged him back and sighed. He still smelt of whiskey. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my forehead, a small smile formed on my face. "I love you Schlatt.." I said as I laid my hands on his chest. " love me.!?" He said, his smile getting bigger. "Surprisingly yeah I do.-" I said as he kissed me. My eyes widened before I kissed him back. He ran one of his hands through my hair and as he kept me in the kiss. He eventually broke the kiss and smiled at me. "I love you." He said quietly into my ear. " I love you to." I said with a smile on my face.

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