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Quackity's POV:

*a week later*


I'd sigh as i sat on schlatt's desk, he had become president . he won this stupid election against wilbur and tommy. ever since then has being using his power for the worst. he forced me to be his vice president. i wont lie. it was cool being able to do whatever I want. but schlatt isn't the man i thought he was. hes a liar. I've had to cover myself in makeup because of him. cuts and bruises now litter my body. why you may ask?


he's been drinking.

" QUACKITY!!" schlatt burst into the room, his face said it all, he was so pissed. " Y-Yes sir?" i was preparing to feel him slap me around my face again. he saw the fear in my eyes and lowered his voice, "why are you on my desk." he glared me down as i stared at him. "s-sorry i'll-" he walked up to me and grabbed my waist. " You're not going anywhere." he breathed down my neck as i went bright red. he kissed me as the smell of beer filled the air. i shoved him off and got off the desk. "WHAT THE HELL MAN!?" i screamed at him,  "DON'T RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME Q."  as the words left his mouth he slapped me hard, i ran a hand over where he hit me and i stared at him. glossy blue tears now filling my eyes. the anger drained from his face and it now carried the emotion of regret and sorrow. "Q..I-I'm so sorry.. i wasn't thinking.." he reached out hand to me and i backed away, tears now streaming down my face. "DON'T TOUCH ME!"  he walked closer. "Q darling don't be like this..i said i'm sorry.."  i wasn't going to listen to his lies. i shoved past him as i ran out of the room, he called after me as i ran out onto the street, but i wasn't going to stop running. it was raining by now. i shivered in the rain, cold or not i wasn't staying. 

i ran to sapnap's house and didn't stop till i got to the doorstep. i rang the doorbell and prayed that he would answer, which he did. "Hey Q! Wha- YOUR FACE!" sapnap took one look at me, pulled me inside and gave me a hug as i sobbed into his arms. "There're safe now.." he tried to calm me down as he held me ever so close in his arms. it took me 10 minutes to calm down as sapnap held me close, he put me on the sofa and sat with me for a while before deciding he was gonna let me sleep on his sofa for the night, as it wasn't safe to go back to my house since schlatt had a set of the keys. i didn't care where i slept that night. as long as i wasn't near schlatt. 

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