Say not to this.

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Slight smut chapter!!!!
*Schlatts POV*
It has been two days since me and Q started getting along again. I had finally built up his trust, it was all going well untill Familiar face walked in while I was doing paperwork. "Mr Schlatt?" Wilbur walked in and smiled. He looked as dirty as normal. His stupid face covered in dirt. But something inside me snapped. And I think he knew this. "Hello wilbur. How can I help?" I put my pen down
and crossed my arms. "You see I've gotten into a abit of trouble. Alot of people are very mad at me and well.." he paused. "I need protecting." I remember chuckling as I looked at him. Of course he's in trouble. He's so..irresistible..wait what am I saying?! I love Quackity! Why would I-

I stood innocently watching him as he got up and walked over to me. He had fallen right under my spell. His eyes were filled with lust. He ran his hand along my collar and down to my chest. He rested his hand on my chest and smirked. "I can give you abit more than just protection.~" he said as he breathed down his neck. I grinned as I ran my hand across his face. He was completely sober. I scoffed and held his hand. "Well if you insist mr president~"

I paniced as a barely clothed wilbur laid next to me, sound asleep. I got out of bed and started to get dressed. I occasionally looked back to make sure he was asleep. Before I left I kissed him on the cheek and rushed back home. As I got in a saw Q laying on the sofa, watching a movie. "Stupid work held me up last night again." He turned to look at me and smile. "Thank god your back-! Its been so lonely sleeping without you-" I smiled and nodded. I felt so sick for lying to his face. But I had to.

*5 days later*
A letter arrived for Schlatt today. A thank you note. The note was from wilbur. Allow me to read you the letter aloud.

Dear handsome
Hey cutie! I wanted to thank you for last Wednesday, I'm glad I had someone to spend the night with, maybe we could do it again soon? Ill repay you when I next see you, Love you baby!!

From yours,

-Wilbur soot

410 words ♡

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