Nothing but scraps

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I whipped my tears off my cheeks when the sadness suddenly turned to frustration, anger, and disappointment.
I actually thought he cared, what a joke. I can't believe that I thought for even a second that he wasn't the man I thought he was. I'm a fool...
I throw a plate at the door, it shattered to pieces. I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder, I put my hand on the shoulder area and I realize that I threw the plate with the arm with the metal shoulder.
" I hate it"
I tell myself.
My uncontrollable emotions take over me. I run to my workspace and get my tools. Despite the pain in my shoulder I started to remove the iron that Heisenberg had put into my skin. Piece by piece it all fell out. But this time I was prepared, I had brought stitches, medical alcohol, and bandages. I hoped it would be enough, but if it wasn't SO BE IT, I wanted that thing out.
I continue to take out every bit and piece of iron in my wound until there was nothing left. There was only blood, skin and pain.
I attended my wound and eventually everything was taken care of. I tried not to move my shoulder too much because I didn't want to rip my stitches and bleed. I look down to the ground and look at the many bloody metal parts that had fallen to the ground.
It was all scraps
"I guess they are valuable to him" I tell myself
I grab a sheet and put all the metal parts he used on me into the bag. As soon as I finished doing that, it was time for breakfast.
But I was so mad, and so sad.
I grabbed the sheet where I put all the metal parts and skipped the kitchen. I walked straight to Heisenbergs workspace and didn't knock.
" you didn't knock, next time y-"
I cut him off with the slam of the bag of metal hitting the ground.
" for breakfast.."
He looks down at the pile of metal scattered on the floor
" scraps."
He looks up at me
" your favourite"

I walk out not looking behind me and soon I started to run. I didn't want to stay there not one more minute. I ran around stomping around the factory, I didn't give a shit if he heard me. If he kills me, so be it if he doesn't I'm getting out of here. One thing was for sure tho.

I never wanted to see his face ever again.

As I'm walking around I make my way to the third floor. I didn't want to use the underground exit, he might notice me. I make it up and I find myself in a room. It's some sort of control room with glass windows where you can see the whole factory. I spotted the exit door and started to head towards it.

" leaving aren't we"

I stop walking,
I don't turn around.
His voice echoed in me
I was scared but I had enough, I took a couple more steps before I feel Heisenbergs hammer bang loudly onto the floor making the ground shake
I thought to myself

This is it, this is where I'll die..
I turn around half way to see Heisenberg running towards me at such a speed ,I tried to put my arms up as a shield but I wasn't fast enough he was too close.

I feel his arms wrap around my body, his head over mine and my face on his chest.
I get pushed back a little because of the power of his body pushing against mine after running towards me.

"don't go"

His voice was enough to strike me to my core. The two words he spoke gave off so much emotions he couldn't express.. sorrow, pain, desperation, and loneliness.
His grip tightened around my body like he was never planning to let me go. But it was too tight, I feel my stitches fall apart and It was hurting me. I had to tell him.
" Heisenberg your h-"
"Don't call me that"
I stayed quiet
" Stop calling me that."
His grip which I didn't think could get any tighter did just that.
My body was getting crushed, I could feel the blood from my shoulder dripping down my chest but I couldn't speak.
I hear Heisenberg let out a small gasp as he pulls away from me, I looked up at him. His eyes were looking directly at my bloody shirt and then he looked up into my eyes. he has this expression, I'll never forget it. It's like he was full of hatred but not towards me but towards himself

He saw himself the exact same way everyone else saw him.. Karl Heisenberg, the iron steed,

A Monster.

I blacked out. With the image of Heisenberg trying to catch me as I fall to the floor

Once again I open my eyes on the familiar autopsy table, but this time I had no hands crawling up my body. I sit up and look at my shoulder, no metal this time.. stitches poorly done but.. stitches.
I try to remember what happened, the memories and emotions come flooding back. My hurt, anger, frustration, I tried to escape but I was stopped by Heisenberg.

I remember his desperate words and my heart feels heavy. The look in his eyes when he saw what he did to me, and how de didn't want me to call him "Heisenberg"
I hear the door creek open and there he is
Heisenberg just looks at me, he doesn't say anything. There was a long silence
" I did stitches this time" he finally spoke up
" I noticed" I responded
Once again, the silence in the room was louder then all the machines in the factory.
" Rest, flesh is a lot shittier to recover from then mechanical replacement." He starts to leave.
I take a breath and open my mouth ready to call his name. I stopped remembering his words

Don't call me that, stop calling me that.

But I spoke up
" what do you want me to call you"
Heisenberg stops at the door, he doesn't look back.
" Karl."
He closes the door without looking my way and I hear his footsteps fade in the halls.
Karl it is

Every day Karl came to take care of me, I tried to explain to him how to cook, but god it was horrible.
" A for effort" I would say
" shut your hole" he would then reply
Carl would change my bandages, feed me, and stay by my side for the next five days that came he took a complete stop from all his work to take care of me
On the third day of my recovery I remember..

"Go to bed" Karl demands
" have you ever tried to sleep on an autopsy table tough guy" I snapped back
He looks at me as if I'm being over dramatic
" oh, or on the metal floor perhaps" I add
Karl just looks at me and gets up off his chair, he comes to the autopsy table where I was laying down
" what are you doing" I asked sitting up
He didn't say anything but he just rolled his eyes, Karl grabbed my hips and lifted me on top of his shoulder
" hey whAT ARE YOU DOING" I scream
" shut up" he responded
This guy-
Sonner then I knew, my body slammed onto a bed. I look at the room I was in and I recognized it from that time I fell unconscious while working. This was Karl's room. I look back up at Karl
" your on a bed now, so stop bitchin' and sleep before I KO you myself"
I see a faint smile creep up on his face, he turns around and exits the room. I fall sound asleep.

About 5 days passed since everything happened between me and Karl. I was recovered enough to continue do normal things. Me and Karl didn't talk about our emotions, feelings, and frustration. We basically didn't bring up what happened, To put it simply we didn't WANT to talk about it. But Karl has been nicer to me, still doesn't say "please" or "thank you", he still throws me around when he wants to and doesn't really care if I get hurt. And he still does insult me- you know now that I think about it nothing really changed.

Karl hands me a bag of 40000 coins.
" didn't you give me more last time"
He looked at me with his jugy eyes
" alright alright sorry haha" I start to head out
" y/n" he says
I turn around
" y'a"
" remember what I said last time?"
" yes yes, come back before sun down and don't buy anything else then what we need if I try to escape you'll kill me"
I didn't realize it, but as I was talking Karl started walking closer and closer to me until his chest was inches from my face. I look up at him and he pulls out a cigar
" good, you know there's nowhere you could hide In this world where I wouldn't find you" he says as he puts his cigar in this mouth. He lit it and walked off.

Once more I run towards one of the exit and I feel the warm sun on my skin.

I start running to the village

The Iron Steed ( Karl Heisenberg x reader)Where stories live. Discover now