Chapter 36 Finally My Epsilon

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       The next morning I dragged my feet while getting ready, waiting and hoping  for a phone call. I emailed Eric a more emotional email than I normally do and took a long shower and sat for a long time looking at my coffee. Everyone was on eggshells around me. I don't know why I have never yelled or disciplined anyone. I can feel my hopes like water in a pot on the stove steaming away. Soon it will all be gone and I will have to face my disappointment.

       Ashlynn. My first Epsilon does not want to talk to me.

       Last night Emerson joined our pack we tried it from the other room and it didn't work so we did it face to face and it did. It does not prove anything but it brings more light. That is all I can ask for is more light than before.

       Emerson also completed his first mission and brought me photos of every page of every Wolf-related book in his old Packhouse. The efficiency with which he did this almost scared me. I am glad for the bond and the flicker because he is 100% spy material just like I had hoped.

       As we loaded the car I started explaining to him all the missions I already have planned for him and he looks like a kid in a candy store. Like he has been waiting his whole life to be given a mission to dig up pirate treasure. Maybe he can steal photos of books from Packhouses on his own. How many more research surveys do I need to understand the social structure of our colors and what that means to the Pack? I think my new goal is to get one of every color in my pack.

       Ten minutes into the drive I finally receive the call. It's Brent. They would like to meet up and chat and he gives me the name of a coffee shop nearby to meet them at. So Tom, Adam, Emerson, Meg, and I pull into the shop a few minutes later. To say I am excited and nervous is an understatement. This is my moment. Can I get her to come to my side, will she see the importance of the book? What about her family. Two Mu and a Kappa? Is that a blacksmith? What am I going to do with a blacksmith?

       We walk in and they are already there. I keep Adam with me and the rest go order and then they will sit nearby but not with us. I thought it would be better not to overwhelm them. Meg is picking drinks for me and Adam. She knows what we like. They already have drinks in their hands so we don't need to think about that.

"Brent, Craig, Chad, and Ashland, it's so nice to see you again! Thank you for the call!"

"Hi, it's nice to see you again too," Brent said, "I am going to get straight to the point. What are you offering? We were warned you would try to poach higher ranking Wolves but we are not that high, we didn't think you would be interested. But we can tell you right now, we won't be splitting up, so it is all of us or none of us."

"Can I ask you a question? What are your jobs?" I ask.

"We all work Construction" he gestures to himself and the guys, "and she works in the in a Daycare," says Brent.

"You work outside the pack and give all your paycheck to the pack?" I ask.

"Yes," he says.

"What would you do if you could do anything?" I ask.

"Sit on a beach and have beautiful women bring me drinks," he answers without hesitation.

"So you are tired," I ask.

       He looks at me in surprise.

"Let's say you had a long rest and now you are board but you know you could go rest again anytime, what would you want to do if you could do anything," I ask.

"Shoot a few guns, make a Samurai sword, test a bulletproof vest with armor-piercing rounds," says Craig who up intill now had been staring intently at his coffee cup.

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