•chapter 3•

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Narrator POV

The night Ranboo said he'd buy Tubbo tickets was the start of what Tubbo called, "Mailbox Check" Where he'd check his mailbox every noon everyday even though it wasn't December 14th yet. Tubbo'd been preparing for his flight, even trying to get over his fear of heights.

Tubbo had been keeping track of the days on his calendar. 8..7..6..5.. 5 more days until his tickets would arrive. Tons of facetime calls exchanged between him and Ranboo, getting excited for the days to come when he actually got to meet him.

"Ranboo! What jacket should I bring? Yellow or red?" He'd ask questions, packing for the vacation.

"Which ever you like better? I dunno really." Ranboo responded honestly.

"Hmmmm,, okay! I'll bring my yellow one."

Ranboo listened to Tubbo's excitement with his chin resting on the palm of his hand. He'd listen carefully and hard, smiling to himself at how excited Tubbo was, as well as himself.

"Tubbo, you don't need a winter jacket. It's Florida." He'd tell him, forgetting how hot it was in florida.

"Oh, right. Do I need swim trunks?"

"Yep, I'm planning on taking you to the beach one day."

"Oh! The beach! I totally forgot!" Tubbo giggled, grabbing his swimming trunks and tossing them in the suitcase.

Ranboo softly chuckled along, as he watched tubbo pack his clothes in his suitcase.


"Tubbo, it's getting pretty late, you should sleep good tonight." Ranboo reminded him, shuffling his phone around as he lay in his bed.

"Aweh, you're right though." Tubbo whined as he finished the last of packing his clothes and took off his sweatshirt.

"I love you Tubbo, sweet dreams."

"Love you too Boo."


The next few days felt like trying to cross a 100 yard gap of land filled knee deep in snow.

The weather was pretty cold too as it was December of course.

December 14th, 1992.

Tubbo started his usually morning walk around the pond, not aware of the date nor day. He trudged on the sidewalk, rounding the corner to the mailboxes. He saw the mail person about to stop to deliver all the mail when they saw Tubbo walking up to them.

"Good morning Mr. Tubbo! Out bright and early aren't ya?" They waved on at Tubbo, smiling happily.

"Good morning Mx. Zeo! And yep, just waiting for some tickets."

"Well in that case," Mx. Zeo started as they sat back and shuffled through the boxes of mail. "I have the right kind of news for ya!"

Tubbo stood up straight with a confused smile plastered on his face. Mx. Zeo passed an envelope to Tubbo, as he grabbed it softly, glancing back at them as he opened it.

    ~ To: Tubbo Smith ~
  ~ 7**8 Wellows Street ~
~ 6***3 Newport, Wales, UK ~

Tubbo slowly but surely took out one single plane ticket from the envelope and widened his eyes profusely. One single ticket, to
Tallahassee, Florida.

Tubbo started to jump up and down, squealing as he took off down the road to his home.

"Thank you so much, Mx. Zeo!" He shouted, waving them off.

Tubbo's POV

I was in no hurry, but also in a hurry to call Ranboo. I threw my coat on the floor as well as my shoes, and sprinted to my room.

I grabbed my phone but it bounced in my hands as I struggled to dial his number.

I inpatiently tapped my foot as the phone rang for a good 7 seconds before a,

"Hello?" Rang from the other end.

"Ranboo!! Guess what came, guess what came!" I jumped up and down, eager to tell him the exciting news.

"Oh.. that's nice." His voice sounded like he just stopped crying, as I stopped jumping to listen to his soft voice.

"Ranboo.. what's the matter? You sound sad."

"Oh," he choked on his own air, and coughed a bit before continuing. "It's nothing, anyways I'm really happy you got the tickets!" Ranboo tried to shrug off his obvious crying, and tried to make it all better by pretending to be happy. "Yea.. anyways I gotta go now, sorry Tubs, I'll talk to ya later, bye."

Before even Tubbo could sound a word, Ranboo hung up the phone. Tubbo tried to shrug it off, but ended up thinking about him, wondering if he was okay, for the rest of the day.

Ranboo's POV

I can't tell him.. I can't. I plopped down on my bed as I gazed up at the ceiling.

If only he knew I fell for him...

it's me, tubbo ~ tubbo x ranboo Where stories live. Discover now