Episode 11: Mature Content

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Their eyes met. The look was like a hand unfolding.

He wants me.

His pulse began to race.

He wants me. He wants me.

Then he had taken two steps into Eugene's arms and their mouths came together.

Eugene's tongue was plundering his mouth, and if kissing Eugene before had been good it was nothing compared to kissing Eugene when you were naked in his arms and his hands were all over, warm and dry and...possessive was the only word that sprang to mind

As Eugene's hands slid up his thighs to cup his ass Charles let out an involuntary moan into Eugene's mouth. He pulled back a little and muttered, a little mortified, into Eugene's neck, "I know I'm not quite up to -- what you're used to, but the research was in a critical phase and --"

"Charles,"  Eugene said, sounding almost irritated, pulling his face up so Charles had to look at him.

"You have a perfect ass." His fingers kneaded the supple flesh and Charles made an intensely embarrassing noise, feeling himself harden against Eugene, breaths coming loud and uneven.

Eugene shot him a look that was like a jolt of molten metal to the pit of his stomach.

Charles swallowed.

Eugene's shirtfront was wet now;  the embrace had left a spreading damp impression all along the front of Eugene's clothes.

"I'm gonna get a towel," he said. "That suit is probably worth more than my --"

Eugene bent down and hissed.

"Fuck the suit," in his ear, and then Eugene's tongue traced the ridge of his ear and he was gasping, a sudden hot flare of arousal stirring in the pit of his stomach, and then Eugene half-kissed, half-bit him on the earlobe and he moaned, unable to stifle it.

"You're beautiful," Eugene said, and the way his voice warmed around the word and the insistent way his eyes widened when he said it made Charles want to believe him.

Eugene bent and kissed his neck and he couldn't help the way his head fell back and his neck arched a little, the way his whole body was beginning to ignite again at the touch.

He wants me. He wants to touch me.

"You're perfect, Charles," Eugene said.

"Has no one told you that?"

Never the way you say it. But you could say anything and do this to me. You  could say 'succotash' or 'lugnuts' if you looked at me like that when you said it and I'd still believe you thought I am beautiful--

Oh God,  beautiful he thinks I'm -- No one's ever--

"No," he said, "Only that -- I was good at fitting objects in my mouth."

Oddly that describes my dating life as well...The look Eugene turned on him tossed a hand-grenade into his capacity for coherent thought. And he could feel a definite straining in Eugene's pants.

"Charles," Eugene gasped, and then Erik was pushing them through the bathroom door into the bedroom and a moment or two later he was spread back on the bed, panting, damp hair mussed on the pillow.

"God,"  Eugene said, kneeling over him. Eugene was flushed and his pupils looked huge, and under ordinary circumstances, Charles would have thought something along the lines of 'Ah excellent, a sign of stimulation in mammals' but all the useful scientific terms had fled south for the winter and he reached up to pull Eugene's head down for a kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2021 ⏰

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