Chapter 4

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What the heck did I just do?! I walk as quickly as I can away from Liam. I had just pretended to be his girlfriend, because some random girl had come up to him. It gave me goosebumps when he grabbed me around the waist. And god, when he leaned into me... I swear he was going to kiss me. But he didn't. But he rubbed his nose with mine, and I couldn't help but take in his lovely smell. I didn't even know this guy!

I stumble into my next class, and just hope it will go fast. I'm out of luck. The girl who I had just told that I was dating Liam was sitting at the front of the room. I don't look at her, and make my way to the back of the room.

The class took forever. Not only could I not stop starring at her, but I'm pretty sure she was telling her friend about me. They kept whispering and looking at me. I was so thankful when the bell rang. Last class of the day! I was ready to go home.

I make my way to History, and take a seat in the back again. Liam walks in, and spies me in the back of the room. He comes and sits right next to me. "Hey Abbi! Umm about earlier..." he says. I just stare at him. "It's fine. I was just trying to help." I tell him. "I'm not mad, I just want you to know that people might hear from Rebeca that we are together, and I don't want you to get upset or anything." he says seriously. I don't even answer. I don't know what to say.

"Liam!" a loud boy shouts from the front of the room. Four guys walk over to him. "Hey lads! Guess its a party in History class!" Liam says excitedly to all of them. They are all attractive and nicely dressed. I recognize Niall from French class, but the other three are unfamiliar. "Hey Abbi!" Niall says, waving his fingers at me. I laugh. He sits in front of me.

"Who is this pretty lady?" the guy with curly brown hair asks. "I'm Abbi." I tell him. He smiles widely at me. "Pleasure to meet you Abbi, I'm Harry." he says. "I'm Louis!" the loud one says, reaching over and kissing my hand. I blush. What was it about the guys at this school?! They were all so nice, and sweet. "Hi. I'm Zayn." the other one said. I smiled at all of them. "If you guys are anything like Niall, I might have to transfer classes!" I say jokingly. They all laugh. Niall shoots me a look. "What's wrong with being like Niall?!" he pouts. I laugh and pat his shoulder. "I was only joking Niall." I tell him.

The bell rings, and in walks our teacher. "Oh no!" he shouts. Everyone in the class goes quiet, and looks up at him. "You all can't be in here at once!" he laughs, looking back at all the guys. "Hello everyone! I'm Mr. Littkin, and I am proud to say, that One Direction is in my class room!" he says. I look over at all the boys.

So they were the band? I studied them all closely. I really was interested about how they sounded. Liam was stuck in my mind the most. His deep British voice... Singing? I can't even imagine. It had to be pretty amazing. I didn't realize I was starring at him, until he looked over and met my eye contact. I quickly look away, and focus on Mr. Littkin.

A paper is pushed into my desk. I look over. Liam is casually sliding the paper onto my notebook. I look down.

There was a note written on it. "I just wanted to say thank you for earlier today." is what it said. I look up at Liam. He isn't focused on me. I grab my pencil, and write back. "Your welcome. I hope you don't mind my asking... But is Rebecca your girlfriend? Like I didn't pretend to be with you, so that you could break up with her did I?!" I fold the paper again, and slowly slide it across to Liam again.

He reaches his hand over, and lays it on top of mine to grab the paper. I can't help but hesitate, as I feel his warm hand on mine. It sent a spark through my body. I smiled. Mr. Littkin was busy talking about the class, to notice Liam passing the paper back to me. I grab it, and read what he replied.

"No she is not my girlfriend. We used to be together, but that was about a year ago. I don't even know why I was with her." I glance over at Liam. He shrugs at me. Why was he telling me this? He reaches his hand over, and grabs the paper again. I watch him writing something down. "Do you have a phone yet?" I read. He looks into my eyes. I give him a small nod.

I reach into my pocket, and slide my phone out. I reach it in front of me, and push it under the desk, until I find Liam's hand. He grabs my phone, and keeps it in his lap. I try to look at Mr. Littkin talking to the class. It was hard to focus when Liam was so distracting with the notes and my phone. I see Liam move a bit, and I feel his hand reach over to mine under the table. I look at him. He smiles and gives me my phone back. I look down at his contact info. Liam Payne. I smile. So I'm assuming he wants to talk to me more if he gave me his number.

"Psst." I hear someone say. I look up. Niall is glaring at me. "No phones is class." Niall whispers, with a smirk plastered on his face. I stick my tongue out at him.

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