"Alright, come on"

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The next day

Tommy woke up to his alarm going off ¨What?¨ Tommy said in a sleepy tone, he was thinking for a moment about why would his alarm be going off so early in the morning, Then it hit him that he had to go to the airport at 10am, He looked at his phone to check the time, The time was '8am' Tommy took a deep breath of releaf, He got up and packed the remaining things he needed such as his phone charger, headphones, and a book, He put on a hoodie and jeans and headed out to go to the airport, ¨Toms!!¨ his mother said, ¨Yea mum?¨ Tommy said turning to face his mother, ¨before you go i want you to make sure that boy takes good care of you¨ his mother said in both a worried and polite voice, ¨Mum he will dont worry ill be fine¨ tommy said sleepy, ¨Okay toms be safe driving!¨ his mother said, ¨i will mum, bye i love you!!¨ tommy said walking out the door, ¨love you to toms!¨ his mother said smiling, Tommy shut the door and waled to the car where his dad waited for him, ¨get in tom where ganna be late¨ his dad said with a sigh, Tommy got into the car putting his stuff in the backseat ready to go, ¨Ready tom?¨ his dad asked, ¨yea im ready!¨ tommy said confidently, as they started traveling onto the road tommy leaned his head aginst the window thinking about how nice it would be to see his friend. 

An hour later

¨Toms hurry its almost time to get on your plane!!¨ His dad said, ¨OH SHIT¨ Tommy grabbed his stuff out of the car and ran into the airport, Looking around the place a little he found out how the luggage things worked, Soon they called 'Flight 211 boarding now' Tommy rushed to Thr flight thing and boarded the plane.

"Meet up?!" [Mcyt au] /Tomboo/ Where stories live. Discover now