Chapter 31

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A/N: Sorry for the late post!  Had graduation last night for our students so I worked from 6:00 AM until 9:00 PM!  Hope you enjoy the chapter!


"Are you sure you don't want to come with? Sandy, Jinyoung, and Carlos are coming with us too." I turned at the question to see Chase, one of the guys I worked with on the design floor. "We're going to this really nice café. The food there is amazing and you can ever ride with me."

I shook my head. "Thanks. I appreciate it, but I'm just going to grab something quick. There's some work I want to get ahead of and I'll be able to do that while it's quiet." Even though I hated lying to Chase, I also didn't want to tell him the truth. I would like to be friends with you, but the last coworkers I made friends with were a gay couple. One of the them clearly thought I was trying to steal the other away and now I'm worried about becoming close with anyone else. No matter how I said it in my mind, it still sounded ridiculous.

Chase sighed then nodded. "Do you want us to bring you something back?"

"No, but thank you anyway." I could tell Chase and the other designer on the floor, Cassidy, really wanted to get to know me, but after what had happened with Taehyung, I was too nervous to really let anyone in. Too nervous to make the same mistake again. I didn't want yet another person to think I was too friendly. I made sure to keep my conversations and interactions with everyone in the company polite and respectful, but slowly, like Jimin, Chase was trying to break through my defenses. Each time I thought about Jimin and Taehyung, what we used to have, the pain would crash over me like a tidal wave, threatening to drown me in longing, in grief, in sorrow.

"Okay. We'll be back in about an hour then."

I nodded in response, turning back to my computer to save my work before leaving to go get lunch myself. Although Alex's company was nice, it didn't have the cafeteria like JJK Enterprises did, just a handful of vending machines stocked with Cheetos, Snickers, and a whole bunch of delicious snacks that were just as tempting as they were unhealthy. I had gained almost two pounds my first month here, simply from the damn vending machine. I had realized it quickly and started bringing lunch, convincing myself to stay away from the cursed machine. Unfortunately today was one of the few days I forgot my lunch, my nice container of leftovers still sitting on the table by the door, right where I had set it when I put my shoes on before leaving the apartment.

Grabbing my bag, I stuck my phone in my pocket and headed out of the office. There was a nice little café a short five-minute walk from the company and they had a good selection of salads and wraps and I knew that it had some things I enjoyed.

As I took the elevator downstairs, I replayed the conversation with Jin in my head over and over again. I hadn't seen Jimin and Taehyung since the day at the coffee shop, but they were constantly on my mind and in my heart. I wanted so badly to forgive them, but I don't think the friendship between us would ever be the same. Taehyung had hurt me in the worst way possible and it was something that made me feel like I needed to change myself, change the basic parts of my personality. It made me question every word, every action I had around other people and it was a feeling I fucking hated.

After saying goodbye to Sandy, the sweet receptionist at the front desk, I stepped out in the chilly November air and almost walked directly into the person whose face controlled a third of my dreams and thoughts. "J-Jimin? W-what... what are you doing here?"

Jimin looked down at his feet, shifting back and forth from one to the other as though he was nervous, afraid I would yell at him. "I... I know you said you need time, but I needed to see you. I needed... I can't do this anymore. I need you in my life." Jimin's already puffy, bloodshot eyes welled up and the tears slipped down his cheeks. "Please. Please talk to me."

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