Jasmine POV

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Highschool. Or was purgatory the right word. Of course, it didn't help with my boredom that I was incredibly psychic. I sort of just knew the answers before the teacher asked the question. This made it difficult to pay attention in class.

"Jasmine?" Mr. Farbs called on me for the answer to his math question.

"Seven-hundred thirty-two." I said confidently.

"Yes. Now to find the formula for..." he began to drone on again, and I looked out the window at the bright afternoon sunshine, longing for school to be out. I looked at my watch. 2:55.

In my head I saw the teacher calling on me. Sure enough, it actually happened. "Jasmine. I can't help but notice you aren't paying attention. I told you all to take notes, and I want to see them." He said, smug, then walked over to me and picked my notes up to look over them. Naturally, they had been filled out since last night, and since I had made the mistake of obviously staring out the window, I called unnecessary attention to myself.

"But how," he whispered to himself.

"Mr. Farbs, I would greatly appreciate it if you would give my paper back. I would like to be able to study." I said, allowing the slight hint of malice to flow through my words. The teacher shivered.

"Class dismissed," he said, turning away.

I found myself waiting in the parking lot for Alexa, Teriana, and Jillian. We carpooled together every day, in my shiny red convertible. My auburn hair blew around my face as I watched the other students find their cars with envy.

I had the vision of Ella Gazelle coming up to me about two seconds before it actually happened. I was very hard to surprise.

"Hey, freak. Are you waiting for those 'followers' of yours to show up? You should drive away. You'd be better off without them."

Of course, I knew better than to let my temper get the best of me, but I couldn't seem to help myself. I saw red.

"Thank you very much for your concern," I said sarcastically, putting my heeled cow-girl boots up on the dashboard.

Ella grabbed my shoulder. Hard. "Listen, freak. You don't speak to me that way. Understood?"

I was out of the car and free from her grasp faster than about anyone in the high school system. I assumed it was part of being psychic.

"You listen here, snob." I said, "You don't touch me. Ever." I said, so mad I was shaking, and using half of my glare.

Unfortunately, Ella was one of those girls who was so stupidly impossible to sway that most had to result to violence. And that was exactly what she was intending.

Ella's straight blond hair and wide hips made almost every guy swoon. But at the moment, she was interested in a guy named Josh.

"Oh no! I'm so scared!" she sneered sarcastically, "Ha! I don't have time for this."

Ella started to walk away rudely. But I wasn't done with her yet. I grabbed onto her shirt and yanked her back to me. I didn't have time to put my hands up before she punched me in the face with enough force to startle me, and make me stumble into my car. I spat on the ground and saw blood. As soon as the surprise wore off, I was so mad I could've killed her. And that's exactly what I intended to do.

I launched myself at her, tackling her to the ground and pinning her there. She tried as hard as she could to throw me off, but I was strong. I put my arms around her neck, choking her.

Ella's face was nearly blue by the time Alexa, Jillian, and Teriana found me out there, choking her. They ran over as fast as they could once they saw my intent.

It took all three of them to pull me off Ella. Even then, I struggled against them and nearly got free.

"C'mon Jasmine. Walk away," Teriana said as I fought them, and my insane tremors. Eventually they towed me to my car.

"You're not driving," Alexa said to me. And I knew that.

"Neither are you," I growled. Alexa rolled her eyes like the jerk she is, and since she let go of me, I was able to overpower Teriana and Jillian.

Alexa was a black belt in karate, but I was stronger than all three of them combined and to me, she went down easily. I slapped her in the face hard enough to leave a bruise on her cheek, and hopped up. I tossed Teriana my keys.

"You're driving." I told her, getting into the passenger seat and putting my feet up on the dashboard again, ignoring car laws and anything of the sort, other than my seatbelt. Pinching the bridge of my nose and closing my eyes, I ignored everyone until we got to Teriana's house.

"You sure you're okay driving?" she asked.

I opened my emerald green eyes. "Yes. I'm fine. I'm not drunk." I said sarcastically.

"Seriously, Jasmine. Are you sure you're okay? You look flushed."

"I'm fine." I lied. Actually, I had been a bit feverish for the past few days. Alongside a headache that never went away and some soreness.

"Okay then. I'll see you tomorrow," she said, getting out of my car and walking through her front door.

I swapped over to the driver's seat and drove back to my house.

My house was pretty much a small mansion surrounded on three sides by thick woods. It was brick with grey paneling, and a dark grey roof. I parked my car in the garage and walked inside to ditch my school stuff. Hanging my bag on the hook by the counter, I grabbed two tylenol and swallowed them with a swig from my metal water bottle. I found that the best cure for my annoying headaches and fever was to hike in the woods.

I let my mind wander as I hiked towards my favorite tree, next to a pond covered in lotus flowers.

Eventually I came back to my fight with the snob, Ella Gazelle. The tremors came back, and I shook so hard I fell.

But when I fell, I split apart and exploded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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