Chapter 5:InterMidnight, Yami, Hikari, Sappire, Soshi

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Previously on Daughter Of Godzilla:

"Who I am is none of your concern for where are you ate in a abandon building and why you're here the reason is I overheard you talking about an animal auction I want to know where its going to be at and what time it starts"

"why should WE tell YOU anything" stranger two said

"Because I'm going to find out one way or another so we can do this the easy way or the hard way the choice your" you said coldly while giving them a harsh glare while showing off you twin guns playing with the trigger.

"Ok ok we'll tell you" stranger one said while shivering in fear

"And don't try to lie I can tell when your living"

"ok ok damn lady chill" stranger two said

"The auction will be at midnight in the underground under Jack's hunting goods"

"Thank you that wasn't so hard no was it" you said while giving them a smile even though your face was covered then you knocked them out cold. You tapped your communication bracelet three time and called your dad.

"yes my little sunshine" he said happy

"Hey papa what's the magic council number?"

He furrowed his eyebrows in worry "magic council? Why do you need the magic council number did something happen is something wrong"

"papa calm down I think I found the illegal animal traffickers they may be looking for I found some that were talking about rare animals at some auction they both have a cow skull on their ankle apparently they are going to sell off titan animals"

"titan animals there are barley any around now what are there race"

"tiger, polar bear, black bear, snake, and Griffin"

" I see so that's why, you plan on stopping them aren't you?"

"I have to who knows how long the council will take to get here the auction starts at midnight"

"I guess there no stopping you just be careful alright"

"I promise"

He then gives you the number then ends the call. You then contact the council tell them about everything they tell you to wait till they get there but you argue that it's not enough time end quickly hang up. You look back at the two unconscious guys and seal them away in one of your dimensions that had nothing in it, you head back to the diner after requiping back to your normal clothes and start planning the escape you decided to use nature's eye to get a good look of the village while also finding where the animals are from the feel of the vibrations around that area you assume they are only toddlers and haven't fully grown.


It is now midnight and you are now in the underground auction you erase your presence from everything and set up all of your traps the plan is to take out everyone by knocking them out them tying them up until the magic council can get there. As you are making your way around the area you spot some guard's and quickly take them out  tie them up and hide the bodies from and prying eye you did this a couple more times until there are only the buyers left. The light dim as the stage light turn on to see a man with pale skin jet black hair wearing a a suit and tie holding the microphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to tonight's auction were we are selling the most rarest creatures titan animals now they are still toddlers but when they get grown you best believe they going to fetch a heftier price when they are older now let's get started at 500 jewels"

As they started betting you released the knockout poison and bout time they wake the council should be here and even so it take about a day to get the feeling back in their body's so they are basically paralyzed. As they start to panic it was already to late for them to run the poison already started to work the minute they breathe in as to be sure they won't escape you put anti magic binds on them as you walked on the stage up to the cage that held the animals they looked at you in fear as the black and blue tiger cub stepped up to protect the others even though she was scared she still stood strong. You look at her in potty. You took off your mask and slowly walked towards them.

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