Chapter 5

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Katie's pov

My brown hair flew in my face again. I really needed to get some headbands I thought. I was in my math class, i hate math. I could keep my mind on anything, but the work. All I could think about was cole. I wonder if he had an 8-pack. I imagined him walking into my room, shirtless. Mmhm, I would love to do so many-

"Katie? Would you mind telling the whole class what you're thinking about," my stupid teacher asked. Could he ever stay in his own business!

Before I could stop myself I said outloud, "cole" crap. The whole class snickered. "Miss Katie, would you meet me at my desk after class?" Oh my god. Nice going katie. Just then, the bell rang signaling the period was over. I tried to sneak out without him seeing me.

"MISS KATIE," the teacher all but screamed. I hung my head low and stalked over to his desk. He looked at me over his glasses. "Why were you not paying attention in class?" He asked.

"I was thinking about the problem..." I sheepishly said, it was an obvious lie.

"Well, we all know no one can do that problem in their head, but ill let you off with a warning. Next time you do it, you will get detention." He sternly said

"Thank you so much" and with that I dashed out of the classroom. I was running to my locker to get the stuff I needed for the next period, before the bell rang. I was almost there when I collided with a solid chest. When I felt the shocks, I knew who it was. I was kinda getting used to them now.

I looked up knowing I couldn't avoid him. He gave me a lazy smile and held out his hand to help me up. I took it and felt the pleasurable shocks run into my body.

He helped me up, and I made the mistake of looking him in the eyes. His eyes were a bright green. WAIT WHY WERE HIS EYES GREEN, HE HAS BROWN EYES! Automatically I was struck with fear and confusion. His hand reached out and grabbed my forearm. He pushed me backwards,I didn't know what was going on until I felt the cold metal of a locker behind my back. That's when I noticed he had pinned me against a locker. I tried to get out of his grasp, shifting everyway I could.

An animalistic growl left his lips, and i noticed the bulge in his jeans. i must've rubbed against him in a way he liked. He then made a purring sound, and called out "MINE!" before his lips crashed into mine.....


I was enveloped in warmth. It felt like a million fireworks were being set off on my body. It felt like that feeling of excitement when you're on a roller coaster, but a million times better. The kiss of your mate could do that to you.

He made me feel so alive, like I was locked in a cage and I'm now free. Our lips moved in sync. My hands were wrapped around his neck while my fingers lightly tugged on his hair. I couldn't feel what was going on around me. All I could think about was us. I tugged on his hair a little harder and he moaned. God I loved the sound of his sexy moans, it was such a turn on.

I started to feel a burning sensation in my lungs, but a bad one. That's when I realized I would have to break my first, and most amazing kiss ever. I was about to pull away, but he read my mind and pulled away first.

I was satisfied with what I saw, his lips were red and puffy. I bet mine were the same. It was probably noticeable what we had been doing. My shirt was slightly raised and his hair was a mess. yep, It was definantly noticible.

I looked up to see him smiling at me. God, could that smile made a million girls melt at once. I looked in his eyes to find an unreadable glint in them. Was that.... Lust I saw? Was that lust for me? Obviously... I was the only girl in the room. How could I have caused that?

I was lost in my train of thoughts, when I felt the shocks In my hand. He entertwined my fingers with his and started walking. He said nothing, just held my hand and walked.

I was walking alongside him when my vision started getting blurry. A sickening crack filled the air and cole turned around and stared at me in panic. My world was getting blacker by the second.

I saw Coles mouth moving. It looked like he was screaming at me. He stared at me and lifted me. Another crack filled the air and my right arm was filled with searing pain. More cracks and pops came from my body. I was in terrible pain and let out a shrill scream. That's all I remember before I let darkness overtake me.

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