Chapter 2

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Coles pov

I went through the rest of the day going through my classes trying to find my way around. I was exhausted until the last period bell rang. I looked at the clock and right at that moment. The bell chimed. I casually walked out of science and watched the students rushing to get home. I snickered to myself as I saw a short blond boy trying to flirt with a fairly tall girl. I walked to my locker. I focused into the code. 14-23-7.

I opened my locker on the first try. It was then her smell hit my advanced senses. The roses fill my nose giving my whole insides a warm feeling. She strutted the around the corner like no one around her was doing anything out of the ordinary. When she got close I busied myself with my locker. To my left the scent got stronger and stronger. I felt a voice in my head.

'Mate' it taunted. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Mate! When my wolf realized that I had understood him, he wouldn't calm down.

'Talk to her. TALK!'

My wolf was craving to hear her voice. When I figured I had lost the battle, I turned around to meet her hazel eyes looking me up. I smiled to myself.

When she noticed I was looking at her, a small blush crept up on her cheeks. I smiled at her, showing my pearly whites. She smiled back showing a slight gap between her two front teeth. Everything about her seemed to hit my senses. Her smell, her look, I wanted more.

After a little while I decided to swallow the lump in my throat and talk.

"Hi, I'm cole" I said holding out my hand. She looked at me for what seemed like forever until she finally said something.

"Hello, I'm Katherine. Katy for short" she took her and in mine and shook it. My wolf was purring inside. Then I noticed the sparks that shot into my hands. I quickly took my hand away and glared at it. She must be my mate. No other person could do this to me. She must have noticed the sparks too because she also was staring at her hand. She then grabbed her books out of her locker and shut it. She turned to me.

" I guess I'll see you tomorrow cole" she said in her sweet voice.

" you Definatly will" I told her " bye katy".

She walked away. I couldn't notice the perfect sway of her backside as she walked. When she was out of view, I too grabbed my books and walked away. GOD I'm going to love this year...


Katie's pov

Katy's pov

I walked away feeling his hot gaze on my backside. I had to admit it made me squirm, but at the same time, I kinda liked it. I walked along the halls until I came to the doors that led outside. I opened it and saw a guy with the same shirt on as cole. My mind went back to the tingly electrifying Feel I got when I shook his hand earlier.

I walked on the cold concrete for what seemed like forever. After about 30 minutes of walking I got to my door. I looked around for a little bit, when suddenly I saw some black wolf like thing run across the tree line of the forest next to my house. It didn't take me less than 1 second before I was running into my house, panting. WHAT WAS THAT THING!

My mind ran through possible things it could have been. It had wolf like features, but it was WAY too big to be a wolf. Maybe someone was just dressing up trying to scare the living hell out of me! My mind was racing from animal to animal, desperately trying to figure out what it was, and what it could do. After a couple of minutes my mom came in.

"How was school" she asked. I thought about telling her about the thing in the woods, but thought differently when I knew how much she would freak out.

"Fine if you ask me, high school can be a pita though" I answered.

"Nothing, different, happened today?" Maybe I should tell her about cole, I mean she's bound to figure out someway.

"Yes actually, the locker to my right is kinda interesting"

"Tell me! She screamed

"Ok fine" I ended up telling her the whole story. How he makes me feel. What happened when we touched. His appearance. Every last detail. By the time I was done, her face lit up. She took me into a bone crushing hug.

"It's happening!" She exclaimed. When she said that it had me confused.

"Wait mom, what's happening?" I gave her a questioning look.

"Your mate, you've found him!" She yelled into my ear. What was this mate thing?! I was really confused so I decided to ask.

"My mate! What's a mate?" I said kinda freaked out.

" I can't tell you now, but I promise me and your father will when he gets home from his trip!" She ran out of the room before I could say another word.

What was she talking about! What was a mate

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