Ch. 14 Norman..?!

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Emma POV:
"Please let us go guys!" "No." Ray said harshly to Thoma and Lannion.

"No let them, we might be good with them." Y/n said, and I agreed.

"But.. You two promise that you will behave and won't get caught?" I asked,

"Yes!" "We promise!" The two boys said. So we all left.

Thoma and Lannion got knocked down, by two demons, they caught on that we were humans so we started running,

I took the two boys hands, and ran, the 7 of us started running.

Ray pointed to a exit in an alley, for Don, Gilda, Thoma and Lannion, and they went.

The three of us started running again.

Your POV:
Ray pulled my hand and pulled me on the roof again.

The three of us got on the ground again, and we got cornered.

"Hey those are our huma-" the demons were killed,

Seeing the blood made me flinch, a heard a familiar tune being hummed.

Everyone but me was shocked, I soon tilted my head and hummed along.

I started taking off my mask. When we were done humming, Norman took his off.

Emma and Ray took there's off, shocked and started to cry.

"Hi Norman.." I said walking up to him and hugging him. He hugged me back.

Emma walked up and hugged him too, crying.

Ray walked up tears in his eyes, and he sent a clean slap across his face.

"Ow.. Your so mean Ray.." Norman said smiling a bit.

We got back to the hideout, and everyone hugged Norman.

"Y/n.. You were right," Norman said letting everyone hear.

"I know." I said with a smug grin on my face, "To hear that from Norman tho..-" I muttered so no one heard.

Ray walked over, and kisses my cheek, shocking Norman.

"I mean well final-" Norman cut himself off, knowing that I was going to get ready to kms.

Norman, and his Lambda team, were about to leave so he left a note on where to find him,

and how he expects us to be there.

The next day

Me, Emma, and Ray, are walking in the forest, looking for the place on the piece of paper that Norman left.

We soon found what looked like an abandoned building thing in the middle of an area. We walked up to the door thing, and Ray knocked.

"So you did come.." Someone with a robe on said. It was either Cliso, or Vincent.

"Boss isn't here yet, but we should go inside." The same one said again.

He let us in and we sat down, the four followed, sitting across from us.

"I'm Cliso, that's Zazie, Barbara, and-" "Vincent." They said introducing themselves.

"Hi! I'm Barbara!" I smiled at the redhead. "Y/n.." I replied.

Norman started talking about his plan. "We kill the demons, I got something that'll do it!" Norman said, getting a case, opening it to show two bottles of purple liquid.

"But.. What about the demons that don't eat humans..?" Emma said.

"Huh.. How do you guys know about them?" Norman asked,

"We met them.. They saved us." I said, know what hole would probably say next.

"That doesn't matter they are dangerous!" Norman said.

As a little fight was being picked up, Norman was about to leave, before Emma grabbed his wrist.

"You can't leave us again!" Emma said close to tears.

"Y/n.. This is the same thing right?" Norman asked me, making the trios heads turn to me.

"Yes.." I replied, "and did it work?" He asked again.

I didn't want to answer, "Emma, Ray let me talk to Y/n alone." He said walking outside so I followed.

"I'm saying the same thing, correct?" He asked, I nodded.

"So does it work out?" I nodded again, "but.. Make a deal with Emma, lie, and do it anyway, you'll see what happens." I said, and he nodded.

We walked back in, and he started to make a deal with Emma, Ray, and I. We agreed..

And soon left to find Mujika, and Sonju.

We told everyone, and got Don and Gilda in on it, and started looking around for, the two demons.

We had one day left to find them, and we did. Mujika found the amulet, and they found us. That's when we heard an explosion, in the demon town.

"Norman.." Emma said, starting to run to it, we all followed, me telling Sonju and Mujika about what's going on.

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