Prologue My last Day In Real Life...

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3rd Person POV:
An alarm goes off, as the sun shines through the window of Y/n's bedroom, hitting her right in the face.

Y/n groans, and throws a pillow on her face.

It was currently a Thursday morning, she had online school, in this hellhole of 2020 - 2021.

Her older brother walks in her room to wake her up,

"Hey, Y/n it's time to wake up, it's time for school, cmon it's time to wake up!" Kev her brother said mocking that one video.

"Y/n come on though it's 8:00 you need to get online." Y/n groans in response. Kev sighs.

"Alright that's it.." Kev picks her up, off of her bed, and spins her in circles. Then he sets her down on her chair, Y/n's eyes are wide, and takes the brush Kev was offering to her.

Damn.. This big brother of mine... Might as well use this brush....

"You hungry?" Kev asked, "yeah.." Y/n yawned. "What do you want?" "Uh.. Pancakes?" "Alright!" Kev runs out of the room. "AND CUT THEM THIS TIME BITCH!" Y/n yelled out to her brother.

He may be 15 and I'm 11 but if he doesn't cut the damn pancakes, I will not hesitate to beat his ass! Y/n thought to herself.

Y/n starts to get her laptop set up for online school. She sighs, I wanna be in an anime!!! She complains, and grabs The Promised Neverland, Vol. 18, Y/n has a few more pages to go before she finishes it all. So she starts reading.

Kev runs back into Y/n's room with poorly cut pancakes, and smiles innocently. Y/n flips him off and gets online. While reading the manga, and not paying attention to the class, she hears her name being called.

Y/n freaks out and throws the manga behind her on accident. She let's out a breath of relief, and grabs the manga, ignoring the teacher yelling her name for her to answer.

30 minutes before class ends for the day, she leaves the meet, and starts rewatching The promised Neverland now that she has finished the manga.

Crying again when she sees Norman getting shipped for the 5th time, even though she knows he doesn't die.

Then getting pissed at Ray trying to set himself on fire. She starts throwing a tantrum, wondering why that emo wannabe is her favorite character there.

When she calms down, she starts laughing uncontrollably, "Whats... Wro.. Wrong with... Meeee...?!" She yells trying to catch her breath and calm down.

While watching season two, she would not stop making jokes the whole way up till episode nine. She may or may not have cried when, she seen the clip of baby Norman crying, but notheless, it was somehow 6:38 PM so dinner would be ready and her parents would be home.

Y/n walks out of her room, and her dad sees her, "hello, where have you been?" Y/n shakes her head and says "In my room rewatching The Promised Neverland!"

Y/n's father was Mexican, her mother kinda as well. So sometimes she repeats stuff her favorite Mexican YouTuber says a lot.

'I' ll go full Mexican on your bitch ass!'

Y/n chuckles as she remembered saying that to her friend that wasn't Mexican. Her friend freaked and ran away. An hour later coming back and asking if she was healthy again.

"What's up darling?" Y/n's mom asks, "Nothing just bored again.." "Well dinners ready so go ahead and eat some why don't you?" "Alright.."

Y/n gets a plate and then some food as well as a soda, Dr. Pepper.

Y/n walks back to her room to eat. Then she decides to watch The Promised Neverland again for the 6th time.

By the time Y/n finished it again, it was 9:59, and she had school tomorrow. So she decided to call it a day.

She falls asleep listening to 'Isabellas Lullaby' on a 5 hour loop. And falls asleep crying remembering the backstory of it.

Y/n's POV:
The grandfather clock strikes 6:00 AM and it goes off waking everyone up. I groaned, when did we get a grandfather clock?!  I sighed deciding to fall back asleep and skip school today until.. Someone started shaking me telling me to wake up or I'll miss breakfast. I honestly didn't care. but they wouldn't leave me alone.

FOR FUCKS SAKE GO AWAY KID!!!! I mentally screamed.

The boys voice sounded nothing like my brothers, "Y/nnnnn!!! Wake up!!" I groan and sat up to see a girl and a boy, who looked to be eight years old.

"Y/n it's your ninth birthday!!" The girl exclaims. I shot up and stood up confused. I looked around at my new surroundings, confused.

That's when I realized... I'm not home.. I'm in The Promised Neverland..

Henlo! Hope you enjoyed this so far it was 800+ words! Also I loved it! Kev seems to be annoying huh..?

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