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| Milan |

Katarina's place was beautiful. It was in more of a suburban part of the country, so the drive down was really nice and being in Val's Lamborghini felt amazing. There were these white pillars on either side of the front door and the house itself stood at least definitely three stories tall just like Valencio's place.

I was nervous to meet the Osiris sister, but she must have seen us drive in and was rushing out of the door and embracing me in a hug before I could even react. She wore riding boots and a riding outfit, so I assumed that maybe she had a horse too and had just come back from the stables or something.

"I have been so excited to meet you at last, Milan!" she said excitedly after pulling away from me. "Val explained that you met at my gala last month but, now I don't mean to sound rude, I don't remember inviting a Milan O'Dair." She was eyeing me up right now like she was suspicious of me.

"I was a plus one," I explained which made her relax her stare on me.

"I see. I see. Well anyway come inside! Val you better stay for lunch at least. I don't see you enough so no rushing off!"

"More time with the puppies then," Val said shrugging.

"Is that all you came here for?" Katarina said huffing.

"Mostly, yeah," Val replied chuckling. It was nice seeing them interact as siblings. It made me miss my sister, but I knew how I stood on my relationship with Verona.

"Ezra, hey," Valencio said in greeting to the man approaching us when we entered the house.

"Hey boss," Ezra said in reply before giving Valencio one of those man hugs. When he did so, his suit jacket kind of rolled back a bit and I saw something tucked into a strap at his waistband. It took me a while to figure out what it was as I only saw a glimpse of it, but after a few seconds I realised it was the hilt of a gun. Ezra had a fucking gun strapped to him and called my man 'boss'.

I got a little worried but I tried to act casual when Ezra turned to me and said hello as well. He shook my hand and we all went into the living room where we sat and talked for a bit. Katarina and Ezra had a lot of questions for me, which was understandable as Katarina explained how she had been wanting Valencio to start dating again as it had been a little while since he was last with his ex. I was curious about this ex of his but I was also trying my best not to freak out because that gun was definitely still on Ezra.

Ezra got a call and soon left the room leaving just Katarina with us. I must have visibly relaxed when the gun was no longer in the room because Val asked his sister if she could give the two of us a moment alone.

"What is it baby boy? Hmm?" Val asked me when his sister was out of sight. "You've been tense."

"It...it's nothing," I said trying to avoid the subject.

"No it's not. Don't lie to me kitten. What is it?" he said. I knew he wasn't going to let it go so I gave in and told him the truth.

"I...I just saw that Ezra has a gun..."

"Oh. That."

"And he called you 'boss'. And wh... why would he have a gun and if he works for you then..."

"Don't let yourself freak out too much baby. It's not as bad as whatever you're thinking. I'm a wealthy man and I pay my employees well so there are always people after us and the police don't do shit. He keeps the gun for protection because there isn't always a bodyguard or others around to help. You know on his and my sister's wedding day there was even a shoot-out. People snuck into the wedding and tried to hurt us," Valencio explained.

"What? Seriously?!" I was astonished. Who would try and shoot people at a wedding of all things.

"Yeah. My sister was very scared but luckily no one died. A few people were injured though. It wasn't pretty. I know guns seem scary and trust me if we didn't have to, we wouldn't carry them at all but when the enemy is coming at you with weapons, we can't just use some self defence and get away. Not in the kind of world we live."

"What kind of world is that?" I asked. There was so much more to Valencio that I still didn't know and it was kind of terrifying to know that this was the kind of stuff that went on. I realised in that moment that I was a little scared. A little scared of the powerful man before me and this so called world he lived in. When he talked about carrying guns he said 'we'.

"A dangerous one. But I will never let anything happen to you," he said and leant his forehead against mine. "I swear it."

"Okay," I whispered back.

"Are you scared? I want you to be able to talk to me about all your feelings baby."

"I'm a little scared," I admitted.

"Of me?"

"A little."

"That's okay. I understand. I'll work on that. I want you to never feel like that about me but I get why you do right now. I know you probably have a lot of questions and I won't lie to you but I think it's best that I just keep some things to myself for now. Let's see how this relationship goes and, you know, if we're going strong then I'll tell you everything. Do you think that's fair?"

I thought about what he said for a few moments. His forehead was still pressed against mine and he held my hands rubbing circles on the back of them with his thumbs. All I saw was sincerity in his eyes and I started to relax. It's not like my life wasn't already dangerous before. Being an escort meant that I had been around a lot of different types of people, some of whom had probably been just as dangerous and only God knows what could have happened to me if I said something wrong or overheard something I shouldn't have. The man before me was dangerous. Sure. But he was not going to hurt me. I had to trust that.

And anyway. I didn't expect him to tell me his whole life story and every aspect of it when our relationship was still pretty new.

"That's fair," I told him. I wrapped my arms around him so he could hold me properly.

"How about we go and see the puppies now, hmm?" he whispered next to my ear.

"Yeah. Sounds great."


Milan is starting to see that Val is more of a dangerous man than he realises

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