Chapter 2

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Advice from his Dad.

Nico G. concluded that the girl is a daughter of Floresca the woman who almost destroyed his relationship with his one true love. He knows that his son is old enough to decide for himself and he does not intend to meddle with what he wants in life but he feels that this time he needs a piece of his advice.
Nico G. arranged to have a talk with his son after dinner. Carmela prepared a family favorite kare-kare and crispy fried fish for dinner. Her men ate to their hearts' delight and settled at the garden while the night is still young. Nico lighted a menthol cigarette which he usually do after meal. He started asking questions about his ML games. Little by little the conversation is being led to his grey eyed team mate and her parents. He learned that she is getting too much restrictions from her associations. Maybe Floresca is not yet completely over her frustrations and may put them on a man her daughter may be interested with. Moreso, a son of him and Carmela. He did not directly tell him to stay away from Carmel Anne but advised him not to be too serious in one girl yet as he is too young to get too involved. Josh feels what his father was trying to say. He assured him that he would not plunge into something unprepared and definitely not to the wrong woman. They ended their father and son talk with each a tall glass of lemonade . Carmela found herself at peace with their one on one conversation and with Nico's blessing invited Carmel Anne to have dinner with them.
Josh phoned Carmel right away and extended his mother's invitation. She cannot accept the invitation right away. She asked him if she can tag Vanna along. Josh has no reason to disagree so , he answered " no prob" Carmel did not answer yes but asked him "when". So Josh informed his mom of the two additional visitors coming and called Leonid about the invitation and added his girl is also coming with Carmel.
It was a non schooling Saturday Floresca wants her daughter to go with her to a salon to have a facial massage and hair coloring. Carmel was worried that her mom's embellishments will take longer and she might not be able to go with Josh Her mom wanted her to also have a hair coloring as well. But she preferred to have it as it is. She is not used to vanity. And she knows Josh likes her simplicity which really matters to her. Floresca noticed her daughter uneasy and it seems she is bothered which is not her usual self sitting in one corner waiting for her. She cannot let this pass without knowing the reason. Carmel Anne was surprised when her mother commented and asked. " I've been watching you since this morning and noticed something is bothering you Darling. Can you tell Dear Mama what this all about?" Carmel was startled to hear her mother's sudden question. She might be unprepared to answer but she cannot keep her appointment a secret, she told her the truth. She was surprised to hear her mother give her the permission to go no questions asked instead she advised her to have herself fixed and ready. She does not want her daughter to look shabby. She is known to always be well dressed from head to toe.She even advised her daughter to wear the dress she just bought from her colleague. Carmel agreed to avoid any discussion and kill her time. She was just on time to get home and fixed herself when Josh arrived to pick her up. He was an hour early than what was agreed upon. Carmel was shy wearing a little revealing baby blue straight dress but still looking naive and unaffected. Her lipcolor is a little darker in shade of pink. Her mother advised her to highlight her eyes with a mascarra. Sophistication made her look more matured to her sixteen. But her newlook never made her lesser attractive maybe she lost a little of her innocence look but being demure still made her so real just as he wants her to be. The more he looks at her, she is getting prettier. He does not want his Mom to be waiting too long. He asked her to hop in on his vehicle , went to Carmel's Mom for permission and blessing to go , easily they were properly sent off . So, they went to pick Vanna up from their place. Leonid was ahead of them, so, they proceded right away to Josua's place . They were met by a cheerful beautiful Carmela and Josh was trying to see any dislike of his Mother towards Carmel but relieved that she is a welcoming host and Carmel Anne planted a kiss on her cheek which she accepted with a gracious smile.
     Joshua is grateful for having a mother who is as understanding and caring as  Carmela who welcomes visitors equally no matter what level of society they may have come from.
     "Dinner is ready" Carmela invited. Her table now ready with the seating  arrangement well planned.
     Carmel Anne can sadly see how different her mother is too much dependent of  her aides. while  Josh's  mother is hands on in caring for Josh and her husband and the whole of her household. She told herself that is what she wants herself to be.
      It was a sumptuous dinner , Josh and his visitors were obviously full. Carmel Anne did not show any hesitation to taste all the native viand and dessert . She did not utter any word about going into diet and maintaining her figure which is so ideal.
     Carmela envisioned herself in Carmela and it would be disappointing if her son will not end up with her. But it will always be her son's decision whom he wants to spend his life with. She is only doing her part as a mother and will be most hurt if her son  ends in misery. She encouraged them to enjoy the beauty of her garden which she had arranged while her flowers are in bloom.
     Carmel  Anne is a flower and nature lover and cannot resist on the beauty around her especially when she saw the man made lagoon with different kinds of fish and little turtles playing on the water.  Josh was looking at the girl of his dreams. That he was not able to control himself from holding her hand as he was looking at her mesmerising grey eyes and he was almost drowned. Carmel Anne was enjoying being observed by this boy unlike when a lot of guys making passes at her.
      Josh was not able to control himself and let her know what he feels for her.  He drew her closer whispering " Please don't get me wrong, you made me sleepless at night, I cannot take those pool of grey eyes haunting me and if it were a dream, I don't want to wake up anymore.I'll take this chance to say I love you, And if you don't feel the same I can wait  whatever it takes , whenever it may be."
     Carmel Anne looked straight into his eyes and said.  " please give me time to finish school. I will not break my promise to finish my schooling and destroy the trust of my parents. Can you wait until then?"
     Josh drew her closer and tasted those young and innocent lips which kissed him back. It was an arrangement made between the two of them without saying they are now in a relationship. They could hardly separate until Vanna was shouting "Anne, Anne". Going back to their senses and played with the hanging birds while a parrot said in it's chirping sound " kwiss, kwiss,"
     Leonid located them and asked if they are ready to go noticing the entangled  hair of Josh
Vanna asked her friend to fix her smeared lipstck. 
     They thanked their host who came around with her husband. Nico G. trusted his wife's opinion to let their son to choose the girl he wants to be with just like him when he chose his wife over a girl coming from a rich and influential family like Floresca. 
     Josh asked Carmel to be ready so he can take her home.  Leonid and Vanna followed .

The Grey Eyed Kitten written by: Christine AmadaWhere stories live. Discover now