Chapter 4

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Katara wasn't at all surprised to find Iroh there but she was surprised to see a little girl with thick chestnut hair holding on to his hand and a little boy in his arms. The girl stared up at Katara with familiar amber gold eyes and an even more familiar sour expression but the boy was more concerned with playing with Iroh's beard than the stranger in front of him.

"Katara, I'd like you to meet two of my favorite people," Iroh said. "This is Princess Maiko. Princess, this is Katara. Your father told you she was coming, remember?"

"Hello, Princess...OW."

Katara doubled over and put a hand over her now throbbing shin. She glared up at Iroh who was staring amusedly after the princess who was running down the corridor as fast as her little legs could take her.

"Well, I wonder what my nephew said to her," he said, thoughtfully stroking his beard.

"She's got a good kick for a three year old," Katara grumbled. "Azula told me that Princess Maiko was excited to meet me..."

"Ah, that makes more sense then."

Iroh walked past her without invitation and settled himself down on an armchair.

"And this is Prince Lu Zuo," he finished as the one year old crawled off his lap and began to investigate his surroundings.

Despite herself, Katara could feel herself getting charmed by the prince as he stared at her, his big eyes unblinking. He had a shock of inky black hair that stuck up in every direction and she had to fight the urge to run her hand through it to try to smooth it down. She crouched down in front of him and smiled.

"Hi, Lu Zuo," she said kindly and held out a hand.

He looked from her face to her hand, considering. Then, with a big smile, he bypassed her hand altogether and climbed into her lap. Standing, Katara hugged him close, touched by the unquestioning trust in the Fire Lord's son.

"Well, now," Iroh said, his eyebrows winging up. "That's something I haven't seen. He's usually very shy."

"He must like the color blue."

Katara spun around too quickly and nearly fell over if not for the Fire Lord's steadying hand. She flinched at his touch without meaning to but he didn't seem to notice. Zuko merely looked down at her, his expression neutral when his gaze fell on her necklace. Katara wanted to look away from that penetrating gaze but she couldn't seem to make herself do that. If he was intimidating on his throne, he was even more so now and for the life of her, she didn't know why.

He wasn't much different from the eighteen year old boy she'd known, except perhaps some of his edges had become sharper and the scar that covered half his face was less prominent now that he wore his hair long. Underneath his loose fitting robes, she could make out the broad shoulders of a powerful build that was befitting a Firebending master. Katara noticed that there was a shadow on his face that hinted at the trouble Iroh had spoken of but he stood tall before her, his chin tilted just enough to show confidence but not enough for arrogance. Perhaps, he had become a little bit wiser after all.

Lu Zuo held out his arms to be taken but Zuko only touched a finger to his cheek and left him in Katara's arms. The prince whimpered in disappointment but was quickly distracted by Katara's necklace. Katara barely noticed, her eyes tracking the boy's father.

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