The Blood Red Joust

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        For years in the medieval times jousting was a common sport. Where one person would come at each other whole heartedly on top of their steeds. Depending on the situation jousting was a life or death situation and that intensity was like no other.

        Until this match. Akane was wearing Kuroko's t-shirt since it was the one that fit her size the best. Everyone watched the two face off at the center of the court. Riko held a basketball in her hand and a whistle to her mouth in the other. She analyzed the two. First Kagami who was in his usall "getting ready to jump" position. Riko knowing Kagami for a good amount of time, saw that his legs were quivering. He wasn't nervous. Not with that smile on his face. Instead, he was quivering with excitment. 

        Examining Akane now, her eyes were closed and her hair was clumped together by a very lose hairtie. Riko looked at Akane's hand. It was quivering and she was slowly muttering and nodding to herself. Riko looked to Akane's feet and saw that she kept on stepping onto the floor in a rocking motion. Those shoes probably don't fit her well. Now Akane breathed in and out slowly.

        Finished with her examination Riko said, "All players ready? The first one to make a point wins."

        Akane opened her eyes, but looked at the floor. Kagami nodded at Riko and looked down at Akane. 

        Riko raised the whistle to her lips. Tweeeeeeeeeee! She tossed the ball up.

        At the same moment she tossed the ball or maybe even before that Akane death glared at Kagami. Kagami became startled at this occurence. Putting of his focus. Akane reached the ball before him and ran past him. 

        Damn it! Kagami thought. He turned around quickly to chase after Akane. I have to catch- The thought was interupted because Akane was not in front of him. Where?  He spun around. What? Where. He saw too late, a slip of red hair spin around his body at the same time. He spun around again desperately.  Akane was high in the air already with the basketball leaving her fingertips.

         "Not yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kagami shouted and ran towards the hoop. He jumped in the air trying to block the ball from going in the hoop.

        Akane shots were special too. It was the same as Midorima Shintaro's unbelievable arc. Kagami saw the same arc as Midorima so unconcsiously he treated it like Midorima's shot, but it wasn't Midorima shooting the ball, was it? Akane smirked and started running. The ball fell short of the hoop and Kagami was too far from the ball. Akane jumped in the air and grabbed the ball midair again and suprisingly...

        She sent a meteor jam straight through the hoop barely grazing Kagami's head.




        "Your kidding, right?" Koganei spoke breaking the silence.

        Everyone was still gaping shocked at what happened.

        "I guess it's my victory, right?" Akane said spinning around, her hair now flowing around.

        Kagami stared. 

        Akane grabbed a towel and headed towards the changing room.

        "Your kidding, right?" Koganei repeated, as everyone started at the blood red victor walk flawlessly to the changing room without breaking a sweat.


Guess who updated? The great and awesome me! You guys didnt expect this right? Fufufu~! I hoped u guys enjoyed this chapter as much as I did. (Also to clear up some maybe confusion. This fanfic takes place after Seirin *Spoiler* : beat Akashi's team.                 Kuroko and the rest of the GoM are second years now and Akane is a freshman. Just to clear that up.) Sry if there are any typos or grammer mistakes. ~(> ~ O)~ Now what should I do for the next chapter that probably won't come out for a long time....Maybe if I get enough comments I'll feel like writing. Thx as always for reading and voting! Luv ya guys!!!!
(~* ^ *)~



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